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Thread: 4.2m tinnie

  1. #16

    Re: 4.2m tinnie

    Your so right seadog Ive played this scenario through my head many times, I can get exactly the same package in Qld for $2000 less, I put this to my dealer in the hope of getting the price down, His reply was well go buy it wheres your after sales service, wasnt phased and wouldnt budge. I got a quote to frieght it down @ $1500, Im more than happy to jump in my thirsty 4wd swag in tow figure it would cost me about $1000 fuel etc. The problem lies with my wife, (how i love her so) she is a holiday junkie after all she suggested this before you seadog. It would be impossible for me to leave the state without her. how can I put this, Im more of a pies,pasties & sausage rolls man where shes more goats cheese olives with a side serve of aolie, we would have to dine at every expensive waterfront restaurant known to man not to mention stay at the hyatt or equivelant. Yes i would get my 4.2 m tinnie but at the cost of a 6 metre plate with self draining decks!

  2. #17
    Ausfish Gold Member Richo1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: 4.2m tinnie

    Hi All,
    Time to upgrade my trusty explorer to a bigger tinny. Really like the Clarke 427 pursuit and keen to go the 4 stroke 40HP upgrade but got a fright at the price increase. I did ask for electric start and power trim/tilt, do you think those options are overkill for the rig? Like Squid Viscous, I plan to do some beach launching and keen to keep the rig pretty basic and thought electric start and power tilt could be handy for a speedy launch / recovery, and generally ease of use.


  3. #18

    Re: 4.2m tinnie

    The 427 Persuit is a Great Rig, and would be a Cracker of a rig with the 4 stroke 40hp with T/T. 4 stroke and 2 stroke price is a scary difference but would be a perfect rig.

  4. #19

    Re: 4.2m tinnie

    I owned a Stessco Catcher 4.2, semi floor, factory side decks and foredeck. With an Etec40. I modified mine with aluminum front and rear casting decks, lighting, radio etc etc..
    I loved it, used in shallow creeks, rivers and offshore. I got my home easily through some pretty rough water for a small tinny. Nice deep V for a tinny, 3mm bottoms, nice high sides with the low floor. I could lock my knees in under the side deck and be rock solid stable in the boat, no fear of falling over and safe for my little one's. I wish I still had it now.

    As far as weld quality goes, as everyone keeps posting about here ? ? I had some welds that looked like, well, maybe the most professional tradesman, HAD NOT done them. But they didnt break or crack in 155hrs in 3yrs I put on it. I had some welds crack, in the engine support brackets, (the framework between the transom around the motor to the floor) after I hit a submerged object I had it professionally repaired for about $75 from memory.

    I found the boat fantastic for everything especially value for money.


  5. #20

    Re: 4.2m tinnie

    Thanks Lancair & richo Im sure the power tilt/trim and electric start would surely aid launch and retrieve, Would also choose this option if I wasnt trying to watch the pennys
    Cheers for good feedback on stessco im really looking forward to seeing the boat in the flesh(still hasnt arrived at dealership) looks like a good layout for my intended use also good to hear good feedback on the structure. thanks again

  6. #21

    Re: 4.2m tinnie

    Finally got to look at stessco sf420 catcher the other day its a beamy boat at 2m, almost a bit intimidating as far as solo beach launch goes its surprising what a 15cm difference in beam makes. It sat very high on the stessco trailer,hull above the gaurds as apposed to blue fin dunbier set up which sat lower between the gaurds. Im 5ft 10 and standing at the bow the gunnel was up to my neck, I really like the layout of the boat i agree the welds arnt the prettiest but I was by no means scared off by them.The package is $1500 cheaper but was lacking in the standard feature department ie no prominant bow/stern rails,cross bollard,bilge pump & nav light brackets,anchor shelf,rod holders, side pockets,safety gear and registraions are also not included in that price the tailer and components also looked a bit on the cheapish side. IMO I feel the build quality is better on the blue fin and I am definately leaning towards it, but would love to here from any one on AF who has got a scoundrel, Cheers

  7. #22

    Re: 4.2m tinnie

    Cheers to all who gave feedback on this thread. Put a deposit down yesterday on 4.2 bluefin 30hp 2st merc with electric start on dunbier trailer 3 year warranty & build quality were deciding factors. Will be a long 6 weeks!

  8. #23

    Re: 4.2m tinnie

    On the solo beach launch

    I've got a 4.2 with a 40 hp and solo beach launch often. Its all about practice and skill in getting the practice right. Watch what the experienced boys do and ask a few questions. They'll make it sound easy and it is, eventually.

    PM me if you want more details.

    A tilt and extendable trailer help. Electric trailer winch would also but I've never got around to fitting mine. You can hold the boat and press the button at the same time.

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