Got a call from my mate yesterday morning asking if I wanted to join him on a quick trip out to Hutchies? So got all the gear and off to the boat ramp. We only left the ramp at 9am so was a late start. The water in the bay was very dirty but as we got closer to Morton it went from brown to a lighter brown color. But when we arrived at Hutchies the water was grass green,very poor and I knew we were not going to find much in this green water.Well we tried everything deep diving lures top water hex heads the lot. Trolled down to the Cape and all around Hutchies for a big fat 0
not a fish in sight. We started for home when the wind picked up and were introduced to the worst bay conditions we have ever seen
. It was like a washing machine. And this all on a very low tied so dodging the sand banks was a real challenge. It took us just on 2 hours to get back to Redcliff. We also met a big rain storm on the way back that gave us and the boat a good drenching. So not much to report on the fishing side but sure was an interesting trip back on the Bay.