not everyone has a boat or a PRFMA permit to take a boat on the dam so here is how to catch them from the shore
not everyone has a boat or a PRFMA permit to take a boat on the dam so here is how to catch them from the shore
The Rainbowrunner
Peter Hansler
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Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.
Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species
Thanks for that Peter,, Mate what is your prefered method for cooking them ( I have only done them in garlic butter which is bloody good) & i have found them to be very hard to shell when they are green..
Cheers Baz
Hi Guys
Interesting to see how you catch red claw up in qld.
Abit different from when we were kids catching the plain old yabbie out of the dam or channel.
A little cooking tip-- take off the tails-- egg and breadcrumb-- yummy.
Nice and easy, when ya know where to get some. Speaking of which, know anywhere close to rocky to get some?
baz i do them a few ways, usually a quick drop in boiling water for a minute, cooled off in cold water then shelled, meat is then crumbed or battered, floured, or used in anything like stirfrys, curries etc.
Mrs H i grew up chasing yabbies (cherax destructor) as a kid too, but mainly had them in fish tanks or used them as bait
mitch lake awoonga has them, also fairbairn at emerald, must be heaps more around there somewhere,
The Rainbowrunner
Peter Hansler
Click here for my webpage
Click here for my videos
Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.
Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species
Peter you are a champion! After seeing your vid i decided on an early finish from work and gave it a crack. After having failed miserably in the past trying for these suckers i scored 206 of the buggers today in about 3 hours! Bloody amazing to see the pots come in to shore with so many crammed inside. Thanks very much.