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COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011
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Thread: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

  1. #1

    Thumbs up COOMERA goin OFF!!! MJ and Bream 7th jan 2011

    Hi all went for a fish in the coomera on friday only to be greeted by downpour so as usual hung out under the bridge. Not long after my first cast i reeled in a 27cm bream and thought ohh thats not bad..... wel over the next 3 hours i landed 25 keepers all on cooked prawn. When i ran out of cooked prawn and the rain had died off i headed UP river to collect some more bait and try a new spot. Well all i could muster with the net was 4 smallish herring but better then nuthin i thought, So i threw them in towards the shore on 2 seperate bream rods hopin for a bigger bream.... 5 Mins later BANG and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it was off i set the hook and it was on like a bull in a rodeo it was goin beserk!! 10 LUCKY mins later i net my first ever MJ at 42cm!! while measurin and photographin this one my other rod went BANG and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ set the hook and its on again WILD STUFF!!
    !0 mins again and i have my second MJ ever at 48cm , First one was on a T-curve tournament with a calcutta 200b-12lb line and the second on a fireblood and stella 2500 12lb line. Havin read about these fish all of my life it is awesome to finally get 1 but even better to get 2 in a row!! from the exact same rockwall!!!. The last two herring fell victim to a 65cm flatty and a 60+cm cattie! also scored a 28cm whitin as the sun was setting. All in all turned out to be a awesome days fishing except the early rain and 20knot winds that blew all day, but considering the amount of fresh about i am still in shock at my catch. Normally I would never keep all these fish but i had a large family gathering (60 ppl) on sunday so all got eaten. the jack were marvelous!!!!!
    thanks for reading


  2. #2

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    Mate it never rains but it pours.....looks like a good day at the office...

    Id have thought it would have been to fresh that far up but you proved me wrong. nice work!

  3. #3

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    i thought so too only went there as it has protection from the rain!!
    Still in shock from the jacks
    have read about there fightin abilities but to catch 2 in 1 day blew me away and ohhhhhhhhhhh wat a fight
    Chompin at the bit to get out there again!!!


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    Angry, welcome to the jack - addicts club. Congratualions and nice report.


    PS Are you still an angry angler?

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member ddobson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    What a day in crap weather. The water must have been dirty as and still hooking up like that. Well done on yah first and second jacks in a row. I hooked up 2 a few weeks ago ang lost the second larger 1. Dont they taste great.

  6. #6

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    great to hear they werent wasted and enjoyed by many for a meal! good fishing
    "Obsessive, Compulsive Lure Disorder"

  7. #7

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    Yeah the jacks are great tastin
    the water was really dirtty and at the turn low-high the catties would invade
    so still lots of vermin around

  8. #8

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    Looks like you had more than a top day out!! It's amazing what the rain can turn on, how'd you go with the constant humming in your ears from that traffic while you were under the bridge during the wet?
    That's a very productive part of the coomera river. During The summer on really stick day's, good sized cod can also be taken on live herring and poddy's right near the second bridge. In the middle of the bridge she drops down a fair way try there. Good spot for netting live bait as well.
    That should make you really happy now.
    "If I am going too burn time let it be holding my rod. For when it is time to lay me at rest let it be a Viking burial at it's best. Give back for what I have Taken."

  9. #9

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    You did mention catfish. They're good fun to catch and can give you some blistering runs, but that's pretty well it. Wait untill you sting a bigger model over 6kg that'll give you some action for a while. But needless to say you did find the pearls of the river, Coomera Jacks.
    "If I am going too burn time let it be holding my rod. For when it is time to lay me at rest let it be a Viking burial at it's best. Give back for what I have Taken."

  10. #10

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    Hi there Gav, Yeah the freeway can get annoying but better then sitting in the rain Yeah it is a really great area around the bridges and ya never know what ya might catch! been hopin to get some cod will try again soon!!!
    And also quick side note I have given to the premiers appeal and all should do the same!!! GIVE GIVE GIVE its only money even small donations will help out many who are in dire need!
    Thanks to all

  11. #11

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    Yeah RIGHT ON: Brissy is a mess. I'll PM.
    "If I am going too burn time let it be holding my rod. For when it is time to lay me at rest let it be a Viking burial at it's best. Give back for what I have Taken."

  12. #12

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by theangryangler View Post
    And also quick side note I have given to the premiers appeal and all should do the same!!! GIVE GIVE GIVE its only money even small donations will help out many who are in dire need!
    Thanks to all
    Well said mate!

    I already made a donation and plan to do much more to help out. Budget for tackle this year will mostly likely go to the victims instead.

  13. #13

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    Nice session. Appears you have located some Jacks despite the crappy water - well done!

    I will be heading out to a few of the 'Ol Fave' spots around the Gold Coast canals next week. If I do anywhere near as good as you I will most certainly be posting the update.

    Keep up the good work

  14. #14

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    Nice work

  15. #15

    Re: COOMERA goin OFF!!! 7th jan 2011

    you must be a happy angler now, eh?

    the hwy bridge is usually very unproductive, but the rest of the coomera is a great river. If you travel upstream, I hope you know where the shoals are? theres a 400m stretch that has less than 12in at low tide. You will bump the prop if you come thru at low.

    well done on losing the jack cherry.

    Fishing- It's only an addiction if you're trying to quit.

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