Was down at the Scarby boat ramp this arvo killing some time when I noticed a new sign has been erected down there stating that Fisheries are utilising time lapse photography between Dec 2010 and Aug 2011 for recreational fishing research.
Gee I wonder how this will be used to fudge the books?? I can see it now, on any given Sunday with a favourable 5-10kn forecast 100 boats may use the ramp, since the photography can’t actually see their catches, it will be assumed that each boat had four people in it and each boat bagged out on twenty 3kg snapper. Then, they only have to find a way to multiply this by 365 days a year, then assume all ramps are the same, and before you know it they will come up with a way to convince the stupid that snapper are nearly extinct.
Maybe I am just untrusting (with justification I think), but I can’t see how this can do anything other than count boats, which is hardly a true gauge of the amount of fish caught from an area. A more accurate name for it is Recreational Boating Research….
I can’t see how this can be anything but bad for the average rec fisho…![]()