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Boat which one to go with???
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Thread: Boat which one to go with???

  1. #1

    Boat which one to go with???

    I have a dilemma, which boat to choose from. My boat search has come down to 3 options.
    1. Haines Traveler TC200 6.2m
    2. Mustang 2000 blue water 6m
    3. Whittley Sea legend 650. 6.5m
    Now I like all three of these boats as they all have features that I like in a family fishing boat. And I ideally want a 6m boat for the short chop in the bay. They all three fit my budget with 4 stroke outboard motors. But would like some input from you all that possibly own either of these boats. I have been for a test ride on the Haines and it was very good, have not been on the Mustang or the Whittly.
    Please let me know your thoughts and opinions on the 3 boats.
    Life is short fish hard!!!
    21,6 Sea Fox WA Pro ....

  2. #2

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    Quote Originally Posted by MEG-A-BITE View Post
    I have a dilemma, which boat to choose from. My boat search has come down to 3 options.
    1. Haines Traveler TC200 6.2m
    2. Mustang 2000 blue water 6m
    3. Whittley Sea legend 650. 6.5m
    Now I like all three of these boats as they all have features that I like in a family fishing boat. And I ideally want a 6m boat for the short chop in the bay. They all three fit my budget with 4 stroke outboard motors. But would like some input from you all that possibly own either of these boats. I have been for a test ride on the Haines and it was very good, have not been on the Mustang or the Whittly.
    Please let me know your thoughts and opinions on the 3 boats.
    3. Whittley Sea legend 650. 6.5m - Also known as Collins Class Submarine.............

  3. #3

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    Hmmm...Yalta not on the list?

  4. #4

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    Quote Originally Posted by Scalem View Post
    Hmmm...Yalta not on the list?
    Sorry Scalem, have been on a 555 Yalta and they seem to a bit unstable at rest. Not that its a bad boat, I was impressed with the ride.
    Life is short fish hard!!!
    21,6 Sea Fox WA Pro ....

  5. #5

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    Defintley the Sea Legend Fantastic Boat and the fit out is much more superior than the other choices, I checked all of them out and bought a Whittley 2180, now wish I bought the sea Legend which is a better fishing platform which is what it
    designed for. I believe the hull design was from a well known new Zealand design and Whittley did a swap of Hull designs with them My mate has the Sea Legend . Whittley can go from a cruiser that will sleep 4 then ito a fishing platform in minutes

  6. #6

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    Just looking my mate with the sea legend is from Narangba he writes on another well know web site

  7. #7

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    Before you do anything have a look at an evolution 600. Logan river marine is the local agent. I bought a 500 sportfish and it rides better than my previous boat a haines hunter 680 patriot.. I can say without doubt it is the best boat I have owned to date. I just love it

    They are very well fitted out and the finish is that of pride and passion rather than how many can boats they can build in a year. They are priced well for what they are, abnd I really doubt if you would end up spending more that the whittley, and trust me you will get a much better boat
    "Live Life"

  8. #8

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    sea legend..... I fish with one all the time and it is a great boat, good ride, fast with a 175 and alround nice

  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member hakuna's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    Had the TC200 for about 6 years. was a fantastic boat for the price, has no bells or whistles, jus a big boat, like riding on a foam sponge, no banging as the hull is the nexus flotation,used it at sea and was great for the family and water skiiing.

    I would suggest you look at the TF200, walk around one, was the only problem I had was the kids getting around the front of the boat and this year they fixed the problem with the walk around version.

    Mustangs are useless in so many ways and if you want an upper market boat the Whittley would be best of the bunch but you pay for it.


  10. #10

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    The whitley, well finished boat will do everything the other boats do and more.

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member Reef Cruiser's Avatar
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    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    cruise craft reef ranger 18 nice boat

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jun 2006

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    Traveller is definatly the way to go. Sea legend very very wet. whittley hard to deal with for warranty. Mustang?? not for an offshore boat

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member terryc's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    I purchased a Whittley Cruiser 660 2003 model last year (wanted the caravan & Fishing in one), been in boats for many years (Haines 163C, Hydrofield 6mtr, Seafarer Viking, Cruisecraft explorer 500 all were great boats), i am really impressed with the whittley strength, design & finish and it handles the sea really well, i fish out to 24 fathoms gold coast, i was really nervous on how the boat would handle because i did the deal on trusting reports, no test run, every time i take it out i am blown away by how good it handles . Looked at the Sea legends i nearly bought one but the 660 deal came up, i reckon they would be great also plus more room for fishing, good luck

  14. #14

    Re: Boat which one to go with???


    Don't short list a boat until you have been in it in foul conditions. This weekend looks ideal for testing boats.

    What is the flotation standard of each of these. If you can't find it in the brochure is may not have one. Ask the question and then eliminate anything that can't meet basic flotation.

    Than add a good plate boat into the mix just as a control sample for testing and quotation purposes. Maybe the control sample will change your thinking.


    White Pointer

  15. #15

    Re: Boat which one to go with???

    Thank you all for your input, I will test all three and then try and make up my mind. The Haines is my current favorite but need to test the Whittley. As most of you have said this is a good choice. And it dose look like a very good rig.
    Will let you know once I have made my choice.
    Life is short fish hard!!!
    21,6 Sea Fox WA Pro ....

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