Well - they say a photo is worth a thousand words...so here goes a couple of photos from Xmas.
With the dam rises, the fish have certainly slowed down.
Bit weird seeing the dam full!
Couple of smaller cod, all about 55, 58 & 65cm
Yes - OK...it had to happen eventually
...kicked the bloody jackall box, pulled my foot out and ...oooh![]()
.....couldnt cut the owner treble off with my pliers, waaaaay down the bottom of dam on my own....had to relent and call hubby to come out and get me (think my pride hurt more than my toe)
....oh & bring some bloody tin snips.....lol........cut the treble off...hopping around giving orders on how to put the boat on.....trip to hospital...2 morphine shots in the butt , 2 maxalon in the butt, 1 tetanus in the arm, xray - treble in to the bone, 8 local shots in the toe later
.....you know what my damn butt and arm hurt more than my toe in the end.........lmao......
.....OK - you can all take the piss now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES - CATCH AND RELEASE ON THAT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()