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Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!
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Thread: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

  1. #1

    Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Well - they say a photo is worth a thousand here goes a couple of photos from Xmas.

    With the dam rises, the fish have certainly slowed down.

    Bit weird seeing the dam full!

    Couple of smaller cod, all about 55, 58 & 65cm

    Yes - had to happen eventually
    ...kicked the bloody jackall box, pulled my foot out and ...oooh

    .....couldnt cut the owner treble off with my pliers, waaaaay down the bottom of dam on my own....had to relent and call hubby to come out and get me (think my pride hurt more than my toe )

    ....oh & bring some bloody tin the treble off...hopping around giving orders on how to put the boat on. ....trip to hospital...2 morphine shots in the butt , 2 maxalon in the butt, 1 tetanus in the arm, xray - treble in to the bone, 8 local shots in the toe later know what my damn butt and arm hurt more than my toe in the end.........lmao......

    .....OK - you can all take the piss now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YES - CATCH AND RELEASE ON THAT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    rathetr you than me with the jackal Cindy . but there were a couple of nice fish and a full dam to make up for it though

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member wamjam's Avatar
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    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,sorry that is so.....sorry i can not reply till tomorrow.....LOL,LOL,LO,Lsorry......The innocent fly..

    Scott.....sorry mate...

  4. #4

    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Yowzers Bear !! Hows the hook straight through the nail like that - and the fly straight on to it trying to get some in the first shot. Hope you get better soon and back out there

    Great shots overall - nice fish great trip


  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member wamjam's Avatar
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    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Please forgive me Cind !!! the way your great pics turned to mayhen, cracked me up!!!, sorry.....I mean it !!!.
    Hope your toe and your needle wounds get better soon!!!


  6. #6

    Wink Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    oh u all sooooooo funny....

    yeah I dipstick..... came out with a toolbox scared the crap out of gave hime the what for..'whats the plan -theres a barb on that you know, you aint just pulling it back out!" So no, we pulled it back off the bone, then pushed it out through the end of my toe, cut the barb off, then pulled it back the way it went in...........................augh

    thanks Scott...MATE..LMAO.......

    still havent had the pleasure of catchin a fish on that bloody blade!!!!! Dangerous sport this fishing, between lures and hangovers tee hee...hooray for Jimmy!

    (PS: anyone got the NSW freshwater calander for 2011 -check out Miss May...LMAO )

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member warrior's Avatar
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    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    yes thats an interesting position for the lure you must have given thaT BOX A DECENT KICKING the little fly was quick to try and give you support nice fish too looks a real nice spot

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
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    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Geez mate!!!
    That yarn has everything.Hope the toe and ego get better soon.
    love the sunset shots musta been hard sittin there drinking a beer lookin at that!!!
    BTW great fish ..


    Did you do your nails especially for the pics.. very effective!!

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member leelee's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Looks like you had an eventful xmas break then.
    The fish look healthy but damn that hook looks painful and through the actual toe nail as well. You must have gave it a good kick.
    What dam were you fishing?

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Luc's Avatar
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    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Good trip but the end price seems a bit much!!

    That's why I always wear enclosed shoes and file the barbs off!!!

    Hope you have a quick recovery and keep on fishing!!


  11. #11

    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Bloody hell Cindy that looks painfull,hope it's feeling better now...looks like you still had a pretty good time on the fish..

    Cheers Baz

  12. #12

    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    lol, yeah all sweet, like I said, my butt & pride hurt more than the toe....stepdaughter thought it was hilarious and kept taking photos on her phone in

    Jackall/blade box was under the console, the owner treble was sticking out the side, didnt feel it going in...but sure as hell felt it when I pulled the foot back out, with the whole box attached...ouch!!!! LMAO

    Was at split rock dam when I did the damage, but spent xmas at Keepit which has gone from 20% to 100%!!!

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar
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    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Well Cindy, that made for an interesting trip. Some good fish there, even if you got a bit toey in the end.


  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member Luc's Avatar
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    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
    Well Cindy, that made for an interesting trip. Some good fish there, even if you got a bit toey in the end.

    You could even say she nailed a few!!

    Glad to know you're on the mend.


  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Re: Xmas Fishing - interesting catch!

    Hmmm...those last two shots had to be taken with a 'digital' camera!

    Nice cod pics Cindy.

    Don't worry about the treble. I got one in my left thumb back in 2007 that had to be surgically removed. 11 injections and a big cut in the ball of my thumb left me with a little scar and a numb spot. Not a drama on a toe...



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