Hi all
I went to Dohles Rocks on Sunday morning for a drive to see how dark the water was and how chocked it was with junk.
Water brown as (as you have probably seen on another post) BUT the thing that surprised me was not necessarily the water colour nor the amount of floating junk brought down with the floods (dam release) but the amount of water craft on the river.
More to the point the speed that these boaties were doing..... What about floating logs etc ??????? I couldn't believe it. Full throttle on the plane and I'm sorry you can't tell me that you can see a log a few centimetres under the water in the river at the best part of full speed...
I even saw a fibreglass speed boat (approx 80HP) setting up to do a trip with 4 persons and wave boards (I am sorry but I think that is the terminollogy) to tow people behind.... You have got to be kidding in this area at the moment.
If they get in trouble (hope they don't) but they expect emergency services to help. Aren't the Emerg services busy enough already....
I must just be getting old and a whimp I suspect.
Any how enough of my bitching I just hope things settle down for all in water ravaged areas.
Cheers Pete