Thats the right stuff there as always. We are heading out to our red and nanny grounds tomorrow hopefully to get the same results. Top pics
Thats the right stuff there as always. We are heading out to our red and nanny grounds tomorrow hopefully to get the same results. Top pics
CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)
There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot
I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges
Up here we Use Hussar as baits for real RED FISHS (SHSIIFDER)
Nailed 'em - awesome session! Mate that water looks horrid for out wide - roughly how many k's offshore were you? Crazy dark water, but geez the fish didn't seem to care, which is what matters. Brilliant result mate.
definately good quality pics and awesome quality large mouths. thanks for the report.
cheers from boony
Fishing can be defined as "A jerk on one end of the rod, waiting for a jerk on the other".
"Fishing was around along time before you darling"
Great trip Dave, thanks again. Be back in the winter for another crack methinks.
Kind Regards,
Bob - Skipper, under 30 club
Great work Dave, Bob and Co. Excellent visual and written summary of the the events too Dave. Those are some seriously well-conditioned red fish.
Nice facial growth there Bob. Is this a return to your "Messiah" days? Were you wearing Jesus sandals as well?![]()
searchin' for my lost shaker of salt
outstanding job Dave, I bet you regret moving up north.
Regards Beefa
Bull - unfortunately these days corporate life precludes me from masquerading as the chosen one - but I will keep plugging away.
I never wore sandals mate, they are called double pluggers.
Face is clean mate now, boring
And yes, Dave has a fair handle on these red fish nowadays.
Those sandles sure went well with the pulled down shorts, motorbike dance and talc powder on NYE. Formed a great impression I'm having trouble getting rid of.