Once again our friends Bob and Pam came to spend the week between Christmas and NYE with us in Townsville. A couple of days after their arrival Matt and Laura also stopped by.
The first full day we could fish was the 29th and the weather was great, but hot and calm. We dodged logs and other run off matter and cruised through a couple of squalls on our way to the mark. On arrival things were slow and we hunted around till we found a solid show, so out with the pick again. The next hour and a half to two hours was just insane. This was when i expected it to be slow as it coincided with the change of tide, but the fish bit their heads off. Between the four of us we boated 17 nannygai to 7.5kg, with at least 12 of these fish above 4kg. There was also the odd schoolie, trevally and a cobia.
The next day and Matt was keen for a run, so we headed out again in great conditions. This time the current was running very hard and with the variable winds we struggled to stay anchored on the mark. We still managed 7 nannygai with 5 from 5 to 8.5kg, a couple of gold spot cod and a nice little fingermark to Pam.
Squid was the stand out bait and the rigs were running sinker or paternoster rigs. It didn't seem to matter which was used. I was pleased to be able to put our friends onto some great fish. Matt was able to take about 10kg of fillets back to Perth and Bob ended up with close on 20kg to take back to Sydney; and we still have a freezer basket full too!
Here are a few pics.