I thought i would post this bit of info up as we fishermen are a clumsy mob ,when i went to hinze dam on friday on my hobie chasing bass i came back to where we launched after a successful adventure i stepped out of the yak thinking it was shallow and low and behold i had my mobile in my top pocket and when i steped out i found the water was shoulder deep. I scurried up the bank and found a totally drowned mobile in my top pocket ,i mean water was running out and no picture on the screen so the first thing i did was pull the battery and sim out but the water came pouring out ,dead so i thought
Well i got home and the wife said a friend of hers did the same thing and put it in a tupperware container and covered it and the battery with rice and 2 days later pulled it out and it was all good. Being the sceptic of old wifes tales and thinking that cant possibly work i gave it a go to keep the peace and what does a cup of uncooked rice cost ? Well last night i got home from my charter and the wife goes have you tried the phone yet ,i said NO but we will put it back together and try it to prove its just a tale well low and behold the bloody thing is up and running again and seems to be in perfect working order . So i posted this info up and hopefully it may help some of you other blokes ...matt