Lots I've times I see people say stuff like."I want to build a rod with the same colors as XXXX" What threads should I use??
In designing PicToWeave, I had to do digital representations of over 700 individual threads.
So I have put together a free application that will allow you to draw on some of that data when trying to select the right thread for a theme.
All you have to do is get some data on the color.
It can be RGB (Red/Green/Blue), Pantone, or HTML color numbers.
These can usually be found by doing a Google search.
Most clubs, companies etc list the pantone colors of their products for uniforms, flags etc.
For example a quick search shows that the Dallas Cowboys blue has a pantone value of 280.
Color Search tells me that the top 5 closest colors by RGB are all Madeira, with the closest being 1767.
The nearest Gudebrod thread is 0050 Cobalt Blue.
If the color is on a web site, you can view the page source.
if it's in an image it's a little harder as most images have thousands of pixels in hundreds of shades, so grabbing the exact right one is a little harder.
Once you have that data, the application will allow you to find the nearest color(s) in the library to that color based on its Red/Green/Blue values.
you can return up to 20 thread color in order of nearest match.
Just remember that different monitors display the same color in different shades and that shades are based on the values of all three color components.
Two colors that are mathematically similar will look quite distinctly different to the human eye.
I hope someone finds it useful.
A few things though.
Whilst I'm happy to hear about any bugs found, or listen to suggestions, I really won't be offering much in the way of support or ongoing development.
Likewise I don't really need to hear if you think number 3 is a closer match than number two.
The whole idea is to give you a head start BEFORE you go out and buy a bunch of thread.
How you interpret the data is up to you.
Download from PicToWeave Web Site
Hope you all had a Happy New Year!!