I checked out the tide last night and was pretty keen on a fish if the weather would hold off, Woke up at 5am and the sun was blaring in. So woke my girlfriend up eager for a fish.
We finaly got down there around 6am mucked around setting up and rigging up for half hour and finaly got to start fishing.
15 minutes into felt the soft thud and struck, then alot of line peeled off and i knew i had a trevally. The fight was very very close to a jetti and ended up wraping me on a pier i could feel the line rubbing on it. quickly got the girlfriend on the electric to try get it off the jetti. It ended up swimming back towards us and then peeled off a heap of line and headed straight to open water luckily. Very stoked with this fish so much and is on par with my pb diamond
After releasing the fish we started out drift again and caught a little energetic moses. Sun was getting a bit too hot and lots of boats around so we headed back to the ramp. I begged for few more casts which i was granted so had about 4 casts then i called out last cast make it a good one, I didnt feel the usual small thud from a trevally this time was just nailed and ran for the hills. All fish were caught on 4lb fireline 8lb leader.
Can anyone tell me what kind of trevally it is? I thought it was a golden but it dosnt have any black marks and had the long tip on it.
Hope this weather holds out as the tides are still looking good and im keen to get out there again tomorrow!
Boat was back in the shed and cleaned by 9am.