Below you will find an overview of a strategy we feel needs to be adopted to satisfy the needs and wants of all stakeholders with the RRFF.
This is solely aimed at the Recreational Angler and there are details that need to be clarified and quantified.
Costings have been done to accommodate the areas to be introduced and these costs are minimal and should be well received within Fisheries. No costs will be borne by the Recreational Angler.
It is understood that scientists and others within Fisheries have been concerned for over 30 years about fish stocks and only now, with a push from outside political interests, that drastic steps are being taken to implement policy directed at a presumed problem.
It is also understood that the RRFF species differ in many ways in many regions contained within the boundaries and this specific area needs to be taken into consideration when any new policy or management regime is introduced.
Other pressing factors have not been taken into account when modeling is undertaken by Fisheries, and those are essential and will be used by a non-government agency to produce real-time and future models aimed at providing accurate information that can be passed on to the Fishery management and only then, can informed and productive management tools be activated.
Bipartisan agreement is acknowledged but not confirmed for Co-Management and Regional Management of RRFF.
Certainly, a moratorium on implementing new regulations is sort, until such time as a consensus of stakeholders is found.
Please be aware the below document is an option 5 for the RRFF RIS, although there is only 4 options. There are also other elements not mentioned below, such as TACs and this is on purpose.
I also acknowledge I am not a scientist or expert in marine biology or similar, but have taken on board many members ( Ausfish, ECOfishers, Sunfish, other forums and areas primarily associated with RRFF ) thoughts and anecdotal evidence, which in a lot of cases provides better info that has been gained by current fisheries management.
If you feel you have some positive input in regard to the document, please add a comment.
ECOfishers Qld position and Statement on Snapper RIS 2010.
ECOfishers Qld believes the current data collection, processing methods and modeling used by Queensland Fisheries is highly unlikely to make accurate or acceptable assessments of the fish stock at historical, current or future levels.
ECOfishers Qld does not support any options available in the RIS as they stand.
ECOfishers Qld believes that any assessment of a fish stock must include best possible data and input from each stakeholder within that fishery.
ECOfishers Qld believes the best way forward to successfully manage the fishery is with Co-Management.
ECOfishers Qld will support an initiative to assess the fishery with the following criteria:-
......1. Commercial Fishermen continue to provide catch records via log book system.
......2. Charter Operators continue to provide catch records via log book system.
......3. Recreational Anglers to provide catch records through the introduction of a log book system.
......3. a. A Recreational Angler tagging program be established for RRFF and that program be administered by a non-government authority.
......4. Queensland Fisheries to continue with their monitoring and policing and to provide an enhanced education program to all sectors on best practice release methods for unwanted fish.
......5. A Recreational Angler log book system / tagging program be made available to all anglers through various methods that include:-
. . . . .Tackle Shops
. . . . Bait and Tackle retailers
. . . . Boat and Chandlery retailers
. . .. Web based agency. ( downloadable PDF )
. . . . Vessel Registration Renewal certificates
. . . . VMR and Coast Guard Squadrons
. . .. Non-Government Administrative Authority
6. The collection and processing of data from the recreational log book system / tagging program to be undertaken by a non-government agency through:-
. . .. Post and return log book page
. . . .Web based, online completion of PDF
. . . .Phone in ( recorded )
. . . .Return to place where acquired
. . . .VMR or Coast Guard at boat ramps
7. Any recreational log book system / tagging program is to be completed with anonymity and be made non compulsory.
8. The non-government agency to administer the recreational log book system / tagging program is to be funded by monies currently held within Treasury. ECOfisher Qld supports an increase of the PPV to provide these funds. ECOfishers Qld does not support any fee for a permit or licence or log book to be introduced by Queensland Fisheries or the Government.
9. ECOfishers Qld states that the benefits to Queensland and Australia through recreational fishing cannot be calculated to any specific degree due to the variations in those benefits which include:-
><> ><> ><> .1. Economic
><> ><> ><> .2. Health and Well-Being
><> ><> ><> .3. Educational
><> ><> ><> .4. Social interaction
10. ECOfishers Qld states that recreational fishing is the largest participative recreation activity in Queensland with about 800,000 citizens wetting a line every year. Recreational fishing is the major stakeholder in all marine environs in Queensland and therefore should be acknowledged as such. Recreational anglers are the Stewards of the waters in which they participate on a daily basis and are well aware of all that takes place within those waters. Recreational anglers undertake sound environmental practices with an emphasis on conservation of the fishery and the habitat. ECOfishers Qld will support any government ( current or future ) department that shows a willingness to listen and displays a trustworthy and honest approach to recreational fishing within Queensland.
Phill Kliese
ECOfishers Qld