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Thread: MORETON BAY | Digital Selective Calling DSC | Coast Guard Redcliffe

  1. #1

    MORETON BAY | Digital Selective Calling DSC | Coast Guard Redcliffe

    For those of you who have DSC registered VHF radio, QF3 Redcliffe is now operational with a Land Based DSC unit.. all partially funded by Ausfish members.. A BIG Thank You.

    If you transmit a DSC Distress Call now, our MMSI land based unit, will be one monitoring the Distress Call during our operational hours via DSC, along with the Distress Channel 16.

    MMSI: 005030221

    previous thread:

    Please remember, DSC is still subject to the same conditions as a normal VHF channel / frequency. All subject to line of sight and combine height of aerials.

    DCS does not travel via a repeater channel, hence Ch21 or 81 is of no value.

    DSC is transmitted automatically on Ch70. (check your radio manual for set up instructions)

    engage, educate, encourage

  2. #2

    Re: MORETON BAY | Digital Selective Calling DSC | Coast Guard Redcliffe

    Thanks mate!

    I thought DSC had a longer travel, bit like an SMS getting to a mobile phone...least thats what the good bloke at Vic Point told me when I did the course, but of course it was not up and running locally then. I guess the advantages are that it goes to every boat so equipped (and land station) and gives the Lat and Long when connected to the GPS...what I dont like is that anyone thinking they are helping can cancel the call by accepting it!!!

    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

  3. #3

    Re: MORETON BAY | Digital Selective Calling DSC | Coast Guard Redcliffe

    Finally the DSC function on my radios will have some hope of reaching a useful receiver. Well done Redcliffe for helping Moreton Bay and surrounds make it into 2010!

    Hopefully you will never hear from my DSC set, but if I need it in anger, I am pleased to hear that a VMR/Coast Guard will receive the transmission.


  4. #4

    Re: MORETON BAY | Digital Selective Calling DSC | Coast Guard Redcliffe

    Under what circumscances is it considered acceptable protocol to issue a DSC message? PAN PAN or MAYDAY?
    Do you press the big red button when you run out of caviar or is it for more serious situations?
    Is DSC the second last step before firing off the EPIRB?

  5. #5

    Re: MORETON BAY | Digital Selective Calling DSC | Coast Guard Redcliffe

    Quote Originally Posted by Getout View Post
    Under what circumscances is it considered acceptable protocol to issue a DSC message? PAN PAN or MAYDAY?
    Do you press the big red button when you run out of caviar or is it for more serious situations?
    Is DSC the second last step before firing off the EPIRB?

    A DSC message can be used for all signals, including Distress, Urgency & Safety (MayDay, PanPan, Securite)

    You can even set your unit up to contact another mate nearby who has an MMSI number assigned to his unit. The whole benefit of DSC is that it is quick (a bit like sending a SMS message on mobile phone) and can be sent to ALL units in the region, to a selected group or to an individual eg another boat. It alerts them that a follow up radio verbal transmission is about to take place, primarily on channel 16. If it is a Mayday signal, then you will stay on that ch16 for assistance. PanPan and Securite will be transferred to a local working channel as directed by the land based Marine Rescue Group (MRG).

    Pressing the Red Button is for a Distress Signal (Mayday Call). I know of a PanPan call being made because the vessel (crew) ran out of Bundy Rum, so a Distress Call for Caviar – I’ll let you argue that one with the Water Police…

    My suggested order of Distress alert would be:

    First.. EPIRB Activated
    Second.. DSC (Red Button)
    Thirdly.. Mayday Call on Channel 16

    WHY.. In your verbal call, you will be able to identify yourself with your MMSI number and also state that the EPIRB is activated. The EPIRB is not subject to boat battery power, so it will run continuously for 48hours. The DSC signal will repeat it self in milliseconds until either the power fails or someone acknowledges your call.

    So what does the Distress Signal sound like?

    Mayday Mayday Mayday
    This is
    Getout Lima Mike 456 Quebec (vessel rego LM456Q), Getout Lima Mike 456 Quebec, Getout Lima Mike 456 Quebec, MMSI 503XXXXXX (nine digit number allocated by AMSA)


    Name/MMSI Getout Lima Mike 456 Quebec, MMSI 503XXXXXX
    Location (prefer Lat & Long) or geographical position
    Nature of Problem (provides MRG with details of what equipment may be needed, fire – pump/hose etc)
    Other Info (persons on board POB - break this up into Adults and Children, description of boat – type, style, colour)
    EPIRB Activated

    As you can see, having the EPIRB and DSC activated before the verbal call is made, puts some structure to the sequence of details in the Mayday transmission. You also know when making the call that the other two actions have or are being transmitted.

    I hope we never have to hear from you J
    engage, educate, encourage

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