Launched from 11th ave at 4.45am boxing day morning. Got through a gentle 1.0m break and rigged up rods out the back safely away from breaking waves. Paddled towards the floatilla already anchored out on the reef, approx 50 boats of varying sizes and I was later told this was a quiet day. Trolled a skirted pillie and rapala CD9 for no success on the way out and on arrival at the reef with boats hooked up everywhere, I pulled in the troll lines and flicked out a slug. 3 winds of the reel and I'm on but drop it and repeat this a couple of times before landing a fine spotty mack around 75cm. Continued this effort losing a few slugs to bite offs for the next hour and bagged out on spotties with plenty of smaller fish released in the hope of bigger models. Once I had my bag I continued trolling out a bit wider looking for different species and continued catching more spotties so called it a day around 7.30 and headed back in. Dug the nose of the yak in trying to surf a wave in and went for a swim but with all my gear safely stowed in dry bags and secured on the decks with rods in the hull nothing was lost or damaged.
Hope everybody had a good chrissy and will continue to have a safe new year. The spotties are on at palmy but the size is a bit lacking, if you have a kayak you should try and get yourself down there when the wind and swells combine to give suitable conditions. This type of fishing is certainly unforgettable and does not come around all that often and is easily accessible to everyone.