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Thread: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

  1. #1

    Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Well the past week has been nerve-racking ... I hate getting all dressed up for a big event only to realise that I’ve been sidelined, the glory goes to my fishing mate and I end up being the token fish photographer, netter & narrator! I reckon it’s gotta be worse than being the ugly chick who doesn’t fit into the bridesmaid dress and ends up watching the bride looking like a babe walking down the aisle to marry Prince Charming!

    Ever had a spell where you go fishing with mates on their boats and all that ever happens is you end up taking photo’s of all their great fish?!!

    Well after a recent trip to Awoonga in which the role was reversed and I was the guy catching a few fish whilst the boat owner watched in frustration, I guess there had to be some Karma payback!

    1. Going for jew in a spot where I never seem to catch any
    – my mate nails a nice 84cm jewie while all I can do is manage a measley little 54cm flatty thrown in with shitloads of frustrating snags and re-rigs. Thanks to having great fishing buddies I at least ended up being able to feed my family with half a slab of jewie fillets and I even got to take home the best part – the wings for the BBQ!

    2. Brisbane river last night after threadies / jewies:
    - we leave for the ramp after my mate Olle has a phone call from his wife saying she is down the coast with the kids and has lost the keys to the car. They don’t have any other spare keys for that car .... his wife ends up having to get RACQ to break into the car, tow them to their holiday unit down there, and sort the rest out tomorrow! How does this stuff always happen to women we say?!!! ???
    - get out on water, minn kota stuffs up, sounder shits itself and we’re fishing blind. Lucky we have another mate who’s out in his own boat who finds the bait and calls us over
    - Olle catches a nice threadie while I again net the fish and take a photo
    - I catch sweet FA
    - back at the whyte Isl ramp with the boat on the trailer I lock the keys in the car with the boat and trailer still backed down in the water. Get eaten alive by sandies and mozzies. F..K! At least the tides' going out not in!
    - Olle (who’s wife got towed by RACQ after losing the car keys 4 hours earlier) has to call RACQ again who arrive 1.5 hours later and save us from almost needing a blood transfusion from being eaten alive. Lucky he has good RACQ cover!!!
    - He’s too buggered to keep the fish so again I embarrassingly end up getting a great feed.
    - my wife hangs shit on me after my previous comments taking the piss out of women and their stuff ups with keys and cars etc etc. Ouch!

    So that’s my week of fishing .... or should I say netting, crappy photography with an iPhone, and having my sexist jokes shoved straight up my rear end!

    But the tide’s gotta change, the King of Karma has to love me again, and hopefully soon I’ll be the hot bitch walking down the aisle in the tight little white dress while all the ugly fat chicks look on in envy!


    PS how many emoticons can anyone tolerate in a post??
    PSS Apologies to any sensitive members of the fairer sex out there - all in jokes in jest purely for the sake of humour!

  2. #2

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Bad luck there franco,

    Fortunately im sure everyone has one of those stories. I had a bad spell for about 2 months of heading out once a week either on boat or just on shore and walking away with nothing and having to rerig my line 50 times in 4 hours and my mates grinning while he bags out within 2 hours. Nearly threw in the towel


  3. #3

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Mate, I'm glad we (your mates) can provide such great fodder for the soap opera like posts you love to write. I'll add a postscript regarding the workability of instruments on my boat.

  4. #4

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Took the boat out by myself last Wednesday and had been out for about half an hour when this huge storm came in from the south. High tailed it back to Pinkenba just as the storm moved in, and only had time to tie the boat up and seek shelter in my car. Wind shifted to the south and felt like it was going to tip the car over (so I was really starting to worry about the boat). Finally the storm broke and I found my boat high and dry having been pushed up on the sand by the wind and waves. The boat was as full as a bath with water over the battery terminals and thick piles of sand suggesting many waves over the transom. I imagine my sounder would also have copped a bit of flak - no wonder everything seems to be packing it in on the boat.

    Three blokes were also at the ramp waiting to launch and generously offered their assistance. So four fine fit fellows (we were no four foot weaklings) tried in vain to pull or push the boat back into the water. At first we couldn't budge it only to make the grim discovery of water level after lifting the hatch. After 20 minutes of bailing and bilging we managed to slide it back in and there was a lovely calm after the storm. Surprisingly the boat started so I studiply went back out for a fish. Another storm pops up this time well out to the west and surely missing the river mouth. Ten minutes later and lightning is cracking all around me )I'm a sook when it comes to storms particularly carrying lightning sticks on board an open tinny. Made it back to the ramp and waited for it to pass. This time no wind and much tamer all round. Half an hour later I back the trailer down and low and behold I'm high and dry again - the tide dropped significantly and this time there is no-one to help push it back in. Tried valiantly without success. Ended up emptying the boat, unhooking the trailer, driving home for 3 hours sleep and returning at 3am when the tide was higher to retrieve the boat - lucky it was still there.

    Franco you speak of Karma I think that threadie last night was Karma's way of evening up the score.

    Cheers, Ollie

  5. #5

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    P.S. This sort of s**t usually happens in threes so we will take your boat next time....

  6. #6

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Quote Originally Posted by OB1 View Post
    P.S. This sort of s**t usually happens in threes so we will take your boat next time....
    LOL thought you'd say that!
    Unfortunately for you I'm a lot luckier fishing on my own boat so get used to holding that net Olle!

  7. #7

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    i had a bad spell last monday out at the Pin. every 2 seconds all i heard from my bro inlaw was 'YEP!" and reels in a nice fish. Whenever i heard it all i thought was "get F'd" lol

  8. #8

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    lol... cheers for the entertaining read Franco. Cracked me up big time

    p.s. - Looks like something had a go at the jew judging by the tail. Half of it looks like its being ripped off.

  9. #9

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Franco funny as happenings for the whole week. I have had days like that on my own and still cop crap for it (deisel in motor ect.) Some days are like that but a whole week to endure boy it better turn around or your mate will need to catch for 2 familys more often lol. Isnt it hard with no sounder as you feel blind with every cast. Good luck next year and we can all share the fun of a wet holiday i am shure. Cheers DD...

  10. #10

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Thanks for the chuckle Franco, Karma certainly has bitten you on the backside.

    Sounds like you'll have to go fishing with Greeny again, or has he banned you after Awoonga?



  11. #11

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Gold Franco, Happy Christmas, tight lines !!

  12. #12

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Hey guys glad you enjoyed the read!
    Always say if ya can't take the piss out of yourself then ya shouldn't take the piss out of others.

    Matt - Greenie called me last night said he'd gotten his revamped offshore rig back so it sounds like he's up for a bot more punishment! Hee Hee! Think we're gunna be fishing outside a fair bit the next few weeks as the estuary is all fresh! (BTW great snapper in your recent report buddy)

  13. #13

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Hang in there buddy good times are a comin

  14. #14

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Yeah some good karma will come back to you for netting and taking the pics.



  15. #15

    Re: Always the Bridesmaid never the Bride!

    Hey Franco

    It was the old reliable hummingbird wide optic that found the fish. Talk about karma ! You have been bagging me about that obsolete sounder for ages

    Pretty keen effort though- 2 trips in 2 days with 2 great fish. Not a bad effort at all



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