Don't leave your pots in Coorooman Creek at present the grubby low lifes are in overdrive. Maybe because the Fitzroy is in flood?
I lost 3 out of 12 on Monday night to 2 blokes in a 4.5m vee nose punt with a tiller steered new low profile 50hp Merc. They only took my $70 opera house pots. I recovered 2 floats thrown up in the mangroves....They didn't realise we hadn't gone home, just crabbing out the front of the gutter. They were the only boat in the gutter between pots and no pots. I hope they run into a hornets nest in the mangroves while wearing their jackie howes and slapping each other the back for being so clever.
I lost another 5 last night, now they have started pinching the round pots. Another mate got back 1 from 5. Another bloke at the ramp said he had 4 pots up a gutter, another boat went in and out, then he only had 2 pots and the other bloke had 2 pots, lifted the other blokes floats...and what a surprise his rope his pots...thats a bit of clever re-badging.
At least it won't be hard to work out what to get me for xmas!!
Did we get any crabs? out of 3 blokes, 12 pots (now a lot less) we caught a good crab in each of the pots not checked or stolen, had another 3 pots checked and left open, so nothing there..... I think we will end up with 4 or 5 crabs each, probably cost about $150 a crab when you bait, fuel etc.
Its pretty sad. These blokes must have mates, how about someone taps em on the shoulder and lets them know what pricks they really are.