I have finally got my Kevlacat on the water after a lot of research and a lot of hard workI decided to go with twin XL 60 hp suzuki's and i was very impressed with their performance on its first run yesterday. The dealer has installed 14 inch props ( yes i told him that everyone else with the 60 yammies has 15's ) The reason he suggested the 14's is for more punch at the sandy cape bar at the top of Fraser which i will occasionally cross. But there is a long trip up the inside of the island approx 80 km which is normally a smooth run. With the 14's there is a lot of acceleration and the boat hits the rev limiter with in 80 meters with 3 adults and half fuel capacity.
Figures so far with 14' prop are : 4800 rpm = 19 kts
5000 rpm = 22 kts
WOT 6300 rpm = 29 kts.
My question is with 15's how much low down acceleration will i loose ?
There also seems to be a lot of turbulent water around the back of the boat between the 3000 and 4000 rpm mark and it tends to " dig is arse down " pretty badespecially if the motors are not trimmed right in.
Is this normal for a KC ?
I am going to trial the 15's any how, just after peoples thoughts.
Cheers Chris.