Lovey, the Mulloway stocking in NSW waters has been a massive success for Rec fishos!!
I fish the Richmond and Clarance mostly and i can tell you in the 20 years ive fished this region ive never seen so many Jew in the systems as i have the past few years! There actually at a point where in a few Bream comps the jew were that thick they were getting annoying and stopping us catching bream...
So ill happily pay my license fee and tell them to feel free to stock more fish!
Stocking isnt the only thing the money is used for lots of diffrent projects get done state wide. Its all on there website if anyone wants more info.
EDIT: I throw slot limits in for an idea!
Anything under anything over goes back!!
Flathead 40-60cm
Bream 30-40cm
Jew 60-90cm
etc etc