Would not the situation be exaberated due to it being breeding season and the fish naturally wishing to migrate to the salt.
There is nothing that be done except to ramp up the stocking program to try and compensate for the lost fish but then again that is a bit of a minefield as we have no idea of the fish lost and it could be that the dam would become overstocked which would slow down the growth rate of the new fish.
Just hope that a percentage of fish survive the big drop so that people can enjoy the new fishery created downstream.
Just one question for Kurt how often do you change your broodstock to ensure a genetic difference between fingerlings.
I see that others have posed the question of the waters below the dam being infested with barra all of the same genetic pool and affecting the subsequent fingerlings and destroying the natural wild strain.
At least you do not seem to have the white bucket brigade that we have down in Brisbane that pillage the downstream areas below your dams.