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Thread: A feed from the brisbane river

  1. #1

    A feed from the brisbane river

    Woke up at 9am on saturday and the sun was shinning and nil wind. I say, what the heck hooked the boat up and off to the colmslie ramp. On the way i could hear a rattling noise but though, hmmmm must be the bearings, so as soon as i arrived i had a quick look and guess what. Some .f..........l forgot to lift the jockey wheel up . Anyways , headed to the mouth of the river and deployed a newly purchased rod with a TSS4. Whiling rigging my second rod up,the first rod goes balistic. Up comes a 6kg Jew at around 85-7cm depending on how you measure it.
    Then for the next 20 minutes nil .. and the boat drifted a little so i up anchored and re anchored. I rigged two rods and within 2 minutes then both went off.

    WTF - I grab one rod and ask my boy to grab the othe.r The boy holds the rod and says. Dad it's too heavy and puts it back on the holder.

    I worked on the other rod for a while and pull up a 95cm Thready. Went to the second rod and up comes a 1/2 kg catfish. I unhooked the catty and rebait and let it down. While i'm trying to unhook the thready the rod goes balistic.

    Up comes another thready at 7kg. We packed up and went back to the colmslie ramp to see what my son descripes as the SEA PATROL BOAT with the big cannon gun at the stern?. I did a few laps of the ship to have a close look at it.

    All up 3 fishs for 1 hours work. Jew is a first

    Secret bait ----frozen prawns

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member bennykenny's Avatar
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    Re: A feed from the brisbane river

    well done, looks like the rain has turned them on, you managed to grab the right rod when they both went off, usually its the other way around. cheers BK

    ...of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. ~William Sherwood Fox.

  3. #3

    Re: A feed from the brisbane river

    looks like you made the right call... i chickened out and slept in instead!
    nice work on the fish and good to see some legal jew about.


  4. #4

    Re: A feed from the brisbane river

    top effort for a hrs work. got to love the young trips like that with me boy.

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