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Thread: What would you do?

  1. #1

    What would you do?

    I've had a trip to FRASER Is planned for the last month or so starting on Monday. Now, the weather just doesn't seem to want to play the game. Rain, rain and more rain. I've got good tarps and a waterproof tarp so that's no drama. But what I'd like to knonw from those who have been there and done that through bad it worth it? I've been a few times before but the weather has always been superb.

    Any advice from those in the know?

    Thanks, Ben.

  2. #2

    Re: What would you do?

    Mate hard call... guess it depend on where you want to set up camp.. i dont think it matters how many tarps you have the rain always put a dampner, no pun intended, on the whole trip.
    If its was me and a few mates it would still be a goer but if the mrs and the kids are going stuck in a tent wont be much fun!!


  3. #3

    Re: What would you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by upstart View Post
    I've had a trip to FRASER Is planned for the last month or so starting on Monday. Now, the weather just doesn't seem to want to play the game. Rain, rain and more rain. I've got good tarps and a waterproof tarp so that's no drama. But what I'd like to knonw from those who have been there and done that through bad it worth it? I've been a few times before but the weather has always been superb.

    Any advice from those in the know?

    Thanks, Ben.
    No choice Ben.. you have to go. Should be a bit of wind around early but by Wed or Thursday it should be alright. I don't think it will be heavy rain by Monday, just showers through the day. Take a heap of towels and keep them in the car for when you need them. Get out and have fun. Your skin's waterproof.

  4. #4

    Re: What would you do?

    Forecast for Brisbane from Monday isn't too bad. Just showers.
    Not sure about Fraser but I would expect similar.
    Wind is forecast 15/20 SE or E which isn't really too bad. Not bad enough to cancel.

  5. #5

    Re: What would you do?

    been raining all day here at hervey bay but looks like it might clear away tomorrow
    (lookin at radar) recon you should go (fish still bite in the rain)

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Re: What would you do?

    im with WAYNO mrs and kids no, me and the mates for sure even if it blows there is 2 sides of the island and the both fish great,

  7. #7

    Re: What would you do?

    Hell yea, no doubt

  8. #8

    Re: What would you do?

    Thanks boys. I'm on my way!!

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