Should have checked his mobile to see if your number was in it. I am surprised his car didn't slide down the ramp to be washed.
I have read 2 stories in the last week.
One was the bloke who nailed his mates wife while he was in prison. When he got out he got a tatoo gun and tatooed DOG on the blokes forehead.
Other one was the german bloke who reported that a 50 yo was knocking off his 17yo daughter . He is on his way to prison after a breadknife castrated the bloke about he refuses to tell who helped him do it or where teh balls are..
No mobile, but the phone mob had told me that the call appeared to come from a phone box.
Never even thought of the car. Was havin' too much fun trying to take care of him, in a sensible and caring manner of course. Bugger!
Yeah, loved the one 'bout the German knackering the other character. I've got a 15 yr old, and if anything like that came sniffin' around would probably fall onto me filleting knife.
Karma alright.
mozzie, just loved the story well done
Mate you deserved a few beers after helping that poor bugger out.
Hope he gave you a few pots for your trouble
Karma should help a few others out I think, seeing the people in our justice system are to busy.
should have put sugar in his petrol tank of his car as well, just so he would remember..
Cracked me up, nearly splurted me rumbo all over the screen..When he was climbing up onto the deck the clumsy bugger slipped, banged his head musta been 5 or 6 times, and then fell in.
mozzie1957....Bloody excellant that you caught the bugger, I couldn't stop laughing so much when you explained how the mungrel thief banged his head several times and then fell in the water, laughed even more when you stated the outboard fell in as well. Looks like Karma bit this guy on the ass and then some...Well done.Happy New Year by the way.
Curious to know how you would describe this guy walking down the street without any knowledge of his mis-demeanours?
What sort of age group? What was the quality of his clothes, boat, car etc? I mean, would you pick him as being a low life scum or an average fella?
I caught one guy about 8 yrs ago and thinking back, this guy was "respectable" in his gear, clothes, car etc, except the prick was knocking off shit outa my friggin shed! Managed to find him about 6 hours after the break in and the prick still had my gear in his possession.
I was highly surprised yesterday morning when i checked the 8 pots i set in a highly public area mid afternoon the day before, not one had been touched and they were loaded with crabs!!
Now that was a flipping awesome story love the fact you got the basterd.I had the same shit back home in south Africa instead they slot my car whilst I was out fishing, but they made the mistake of wearing my cloths that were in the car and 3 weeks later bingo at the ramp was the culprit with my Sponsored shirt with my name on. Well to say the least, he will never be the same again.
I did not think you had this sort of nonsense here in Aus but love it when the bad guy gets his day WELL DONE
Life is short fish hard!!!
21,6 Sea Fox WA Pro ....
You've done well Mozzie...restored my faith in humanity. A mate and I had a few traps nicked just last week and others raided..not a nice feeling at all..
Very generous of you to help the guy who fell and hit his head all those times and trying to pull someoue out of the water by the fingers can be difficult without bending them the wrong way. And for a motor to just fall off during the confusion....you've done very well to keep your cool while trying to help your fellow man see the light.
why not just take the crabs and leave the pots ?
I had tears streaming down my face reading that! The missus is still killing herself laughing.... snorts n all!!
Great outcome!