Hi all,
Long time reader first time poster. Have been lurking on these forums for a few years now and have been slowly putting together the know how and techniques to update on the skills my old man once taught me. He no longer has time to fish but I intend on returning the favour and teach him a few things about lures this summer if this crazy Brisbane weather ever clears up.
I mainly fish the Brisbane River for Threadfin, Jew, Snapper, Cod and Flathead but have recently come back from Monduran (with a donut) but with a taste of what Barra have to offer (yet to hook one but the missus lost one boatside). I also dabble in a bit of freshwater fishing with fellow member Ray (rayken1938) at North Pine Dam for bass and redclaw.
Attached are a few photos of my very keen and trusted decky, some of our catches and my toys. If you see us out and about in the river or bay give us a holla!