Ater the given report we didn't think we'd get out fishing but we called it for a trip sunday morning with the winds dropping we headed to where we got onto some spanish last trip and it paid off.
With lots of birds into the action we managed some spanish mackeral and one good Yellow Fin with a couple Blue tuna and 3 Salt and pepper trevalley thrown in. On winding in while one of the rods had a hook up a Cobia smashed a xrap and he hit the esky too.After getting one or two couple other boats jioned in and then there was mayhem no one believes in sticking to a pattern and the first boat there has no right away but we got thru it without yelling at anyone.
We tried a Redjew spot towards the main land as the swell was about 1.8 with a mixed slop in it. As we were drifting the wind dropped right out and the swell started to as well so the call to chase reds was made
The daughter scored a red straight up on her first drift and the rest of us folled one by one .
COnditions awesome
Daughter after having a spew
Just needed a liven up
Come home in a slight swell. Had a ball and tried both the new rods out am happy as larry
Video to come