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Thread: where have thay gone!!

  1. #1

    Angry where have thay gone!!

    gee i havent seen many new reports from the offshore die hards lately. Maby all thoes d###head greenies should cheak some real figures on how often we get out in a year and rape and pillage the oceans on our 5 fish bag limit!!!!
    I have heard that there are about 200 000 regestered boats in QLD and a figure arround 35000 of thease boats are capable of reaching offshore reef systems where there are no snapper left anyway. Just want to know how thay can sprout this crap you hear on a dayly basis and get away with it wen we seem so powerless to stop or oppose any of this. I heard a saying the other day that said 10% of the fishermen catch 90% of the fish certainly puts a big dint in there 35000 of us raping the ocean. Rant over thank you

  2. #2

    Re: where have thay gone!!

    bloody right

  3. #3

    Re: where have thay gone!!

    Quote Originally Posted by wakakiwi View Post
    I have heard that there are about 200 000 regestered boats in QLD and a figure arround 35000 of thease boats are capable of reaching offshore reef systems where there are no snapper left anyway. Just want to know how thay can sprout this crap you hear on a dayly basis and get away with it wen we seem so powerless to stop or oppose any of this. I heard a saying the other day that said 10% of the fishermen catch 90% of the fish certainly puts a big dint in there 35000 of us raping the ocean. Rant over thank you

    Why are there no snapper left? Where does that comment come from? Are there none left because people go out with 3 or 4 in a boat and dont bag out? Thats the problem IMHO...............people think cause they dont bag out in 2 hours the reefs are fished out. Whats wrong with getting a couple of nice snapper? Not happy if you dont get a full bag of 20lb snapper? The fish are there, just dont expect a bag out of big knobbies. A couple or 3 nice ones is plenty.


  4. #4

    Re: where have thay gone!!

    The snapper are out there,you might have to look a bit harder. I'm happy with the bag limit on them.


  5. #5

    Re: where have thay gone!!

    i think you missed my point about the apparently drastic state of our snapper stocks according to our green friends i have no problem with the 5 fish limit and i always seem to find plenty of our rare and endangered snapper.
    The point i was making was how many days of the year does the rec fisho get out to rape and pillage our oceans wen i ran a charter boat 100 days of the year was a very good year and of course i was available to go on any day. Back in the real world with work and family commitments i would say 20 trips a year would be fairly normal and could we possibly fish out two thirds of the earths surface in that time frame. It makes me sick to turn on the tv and listen to the crap these greenie tossers carry on with when the reality of it couldntl be further from the truth and we just have to swollow it makes me sick and verry mad.

  6. #6

    Re: where have thay gone!!

    yes the greenies may be making a big beat up of 'reduced fish stocks' buuuuutt....theres still a heap of 'meat' fishos out there that arent happy unless the esky is FULL ,when a couple of good size fish easily provide a few good feeds!!

    drought on land= drought in the sea

    good rainfall is conducive to a good spawning run for MOST species (look at the yearly rainfall on the coast of places that have awesome fishing, north queensland, papua new ginea, costa rica....)

    Lets not complain about all this rain we are having at the moment... think of it this way, we have a couple of ripper seasons to come


  7. #7

    Re: where have thay gone!!

    to saying the greens have it wrong.....blaming reduced fish stocks on over fishing when a 'sea drought' coincides with one on land.... and as we all know droughts can last for decades at a time!!

    The good times are comin!!

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