Went out for a Heavy Tackle fishing day today, chasing Blue Marlin.
Couldn't find a Marlin of any description. Fished the shelf in 220m to 1200m, and spent a lot of time in the 280-245m type areas. Found some flying fish and dolphins, but the dolphins weren't feeding and just wanted to play around the boat and lures.
I headed in to around 180m east of Deep Tempest and basically went from there to Hutchies and got a Mahi Mahi in about 130m East of the Cape, and then another in 50m about halfway between Flinders and Hutchies.
Got a double of little Yellowfin Tuna at the top of Hutchies and a nice Wahoo on the "Wahoo" ledge north of the shoal. By then it was 1800 and time to head for home after leaving the creek at 0500On the pontoon and beer in hand by 1945.
Shame not to find a Marlin of some sort, but the day was saved by my normal "hutchies stopover" on the way home.
Thanks "TrueBlue" Mick and Tim for a good day out in somewhat trying conditions.