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Thread: anchor rope

  1. #1

    Question anchor rope

    Hi Guys. I have purchased an anchor winch (Winlas) for my 25' Mariner. On the box it recomends 16mm rope. What type of rope & length would I need? What length of chain is required? I only play in Moreton Bay. Where is a good place to buy the rope & chain. Mick
    Not all tools are usefull.
    Nappies and politicians should be changed regularly for the same reason..

  2. #2

    Re: anchor rope

    ATS Nets at Redcliffe will have all you need at a good price. 100M of rope will do for the Bay unless you plan to anchor in the deeper water off Tangalooma or the like. 10M of 8mm short link chain attached to a 12kg plough anchor should do the job. Chain link size will depend on the gypsy on the windless. Those Mariners are fairly tall & wind will really catch them hence the need for heavy gear.
    Could I suggest NOT using your windless to take the strain of your anchor line. Use an anchor post which is designed to handle the load the boat will put on the anchor line. The windless is for raising or lowering your anchor only.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


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