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Borumba a tale of woe
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Thread: Borumba a tale of woe

  1. #1

    Borumba a tale of woe

    Just had 5 day's up there & didn't have much luck at all,,, The mate's wife caught a Sarratoga on the first morning & we all thought it was on,,But not to be it was the only one..
    As for the Bass,, not much better with only 3 legal's & about 20 under's,,We tried all over the dam even right up the top of Yabba in amongst the lillys which looked very fishy...
    Couldn't even find many Redclaw 36 in 5 days (not real good ) Tried rockmellon first then went into the Imbil tackle shop & he reckons they are not vegetarians & talked us into Mullet heads which were not much better..
    We were all new to it all so maybe that was the problem... In all a great 5 days on a beautiful dam,,
    Not a good place to be on a weekend (Bloody busy )

    Cheers Baz

  2. #2

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    i think is a little slow at the present. I fished over the weekend with 4 toga and 6 bass. I found a heap of fish on the sounder but couldnt temp them. Most reports were slow. I had heaps of toga follow topwater lures in but they seemed to belly roll away instead of striking. Weather was ordinary with plenty of wind. all in all any day on boumba is worth the drive.

  3. #3

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Quote Originally Posted by Bassjunky View Post
    i think is a little slow at the present. I fished over the weekend with 4 toga and 6 bass. I found a heap of fish on the sounder but couldnt temp them. Most reports were slow. I had heaps of toga follow topwater lures in but they seemed to belly roll away instead of striking. Weather was ordinary with plenty of wind. all in all any day on boumba is worth the drive.
    I think it shows after reading your report & Woolybuggers report that we still have a lot to learn about Toga fishing....

    Cheers Baz

  4. #4

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Bad luck Baz. But you know what they say ... bad days fishing better than a good days work!

  5. #5

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Hi Mate,
    A few fish would have made the trip though.

    I used to fish Awoonga way back when there used to be only 15 cars in the car park at the ramp and Barra were easy to catch, Brilliant!!

    I prefer to go to more isolated areas now so as to get some space and tranquility, getting harder every day though.
    Got a few properties on the rivers up your way that are the go.
    Cheers, steve.

  6. #6

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Quote Originally Posted by rabbi View Post
    Hi Mate,
    A few fish would have made the trip though.

    I used to fish Awoonga way back when there used to be only 15 cars in the car park at the ramp and Barra were easy to catch, Brilliant!!

    I prefer to go to more isolated areas now so as to get some space and tranquility, getting harder every day though.
    Got a few properties on the rivers up your way that are the go.
    Cheers, steve.
    Gday Steve
    A few fish are better than none mate but a few more would have been good,,(But as they say the fish are the bonus)
    A couple of mates hit the Severn river while i was away & caught 57 Cod & 4 Yellas in 2 nights all released (should have stayed at home)
    Good to see you have a couple of spots over here to fish..

    Cheers Baz

  7. #7

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Yeah I understand the adventure of a new spot so Im not knocking it.
    Beats working hands down mate.
    My partner and I got a stack of cod and yellas on lures including some big models when we went across that way recently. All bycatch and all released unharmed due to closed season

    We got silly season about to hit here in Ballina soon so we may have to head that way to avoid getting trampled by tourists, but if the weather lives up to its usual standard they should be driven out by unseasonally heavy rainfall (fingers crossed)
    Maybe you should have a crack at one of these?
    Cheers, steve.
    Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	63366  

  8. #8

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Nice fish there Steve,, wouldn't mind getting onto some of them.

    Also wouldn't mind knowing where you got onto those Cod & yella's LOL...

    Cheer's Baz

  9. #9

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Well Baz,
    Knowing the way word gets around you probably know already.

    The area we fished was a constant ripple of fish tales flapping on the surface and our first 2 hr session in the middle of the day saw katrina catch and release 12 cod to my 11 up to 15kg plus sum nice yellas and she has never caught a cod before, Geez!
    And we had it all to ourselves for a couple of days.

    One a brighter note she did hook up to a couple of huge critters that were just about pulling her in so I gave her a hand and she somehow lost them both by pulling the hooks, just bad luck!!
    I put it down to the small trebles we were using

    Unfotunately the gap is widening as she flogged me by 5 stud whiting and a mudcrab today. You know what they say about too much information.
    Cheers, steve.

  10. #10

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Bloody hell Steve you have got me salavating,, now i am going to have to go fishing this weekend,,if it stops raining..

    Is this spot close to Inverell???

    & as for the women mate they will do it to you every time..

    Cheers Baz

  11. #11

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Yeah Im going here too if the flaming wind stops blowing and it stops raining too.

    This spot is in panther country or so they say!
    Less than an hour from Inverell.

  12. #12

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Thank's mate,got it now.

    Lived here all my life & never been up there,might have to give it a try..

    Cheers Baz

  13. #13

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    No prob mate,
    Think I will need my gumboots here today, ah what the heck mite as well get out in it.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member wamjam's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Baz take somebody a bit smaller with you !!!!......the cat will be watching !!!.


  15. #15

    Re: Borumba a tale of woe

    Quote Originally Posted by wamjam View Post
    Baz take somebody a bit smaller with you !!!!......the cat will be watching !!!.

    Good thought mate but i might take Nobby he has just had a hip replacement so he would be easy to run down plus the big cat has probably not tasted Kiwi meat before

    Cheers Baz

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