when u think ur driving it hard, put the throttle down further

Hydrofields need the air under them for there best proformance. It will take time to get used to, but u need to but dont be worried to give her a gut full when the seas get choppy. Trim is a massive factor in these boats so make sure you use it alot, U will feel it realease when u start to trim out as she will free up, once this happens its all GO!!!!! In a following sea trim her up and go for it, you will be amazed what it will do, dont fight the hull either let her do what she wants to do. Takes a while to get the hang of driving one but once you do they go pretty well. Nice choice of boat I have a 6.8m and we fish some terrible conditions and have never felt unsafe yet and that is all a boatie can ask for. Good luck and if u got any questions about her feel free to ask and ill try to help if i can. Congrats on ur first boat

Now alls u need is a billfish and ur set