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Blue Marlin
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Thread: Blue Marlin

  1. #1

    Blue Marlin (dollie pics now added)


    After a big day at the races on Melbourne Cup I put in a 20 hour day aboard the 34 Blackwatch Ymer on Wednesday (if you include car travel time).

    I was knackered but we had a great trip going 3-2-2 on Blue Marlin at the shelf off Moreton and finishing the day with three nice dolphin fishing including my biggest pushing up to 20kg.

    Connor landed his first Blue after a few years trying. The tag went in after just 10 mins and I had 100kg plus of thrashing pelagic held by the bill after 12mins. Somehow my fingers remained intact although a little bashed and bruised against the transom but the hooks were removed and she was sent on her way.

    Next strike and I was the lucky angler on the rod. My fish did the classic Blue run stripping 600m of line in a heartbeat on hookup and having the Tiagra 50LMS down to a couple hundred metres of backing braid. It was the start of a long and tiresome fight that went over the hour mark as the big fish just sulked 40 foot down in the current. After two big rain storms and a lot of huffing and puffing the tag went in and Connor and Dan did the release.

    We had one other half hearted shot as a blue came up behind the long rigger - mouthed the lure - pulled 5 metres of drag and dived back down to the depths minus any connected hooks.

    The dolphin fish came in a pack. A couple followed a hooked fish to the boat. I threw out a badly rigged dead slimy which was doing propellors but a big bull still smashed it and had no problems pulling lots of drag on the 37kg gear. Another was landed just a few minutes later.

    Big Business was fishing near us all day and went 5-5-1 on blue marlin which must have been frustrating.

    It was a great day and takes my strike record of Blue Marlin fishing to 4 successfull trips from 6. Not bad.

    Thanks to Brooksy for skippering all day and plugging away when it looked like it was going to be a tough fishing trip. Thanks to Dan Smith and Connor for the help with my fish and for the good times on the day.

    Last edited by bugman; 08-11-2010 at 05:46 PM. Reason: adding pics

  2. #2

    Re: Blue Marlin

    Some serious gunting going on there, good onya



  3. #3

    Re: Blue Marlin

    great to hear the blues are here thanks for a great report.
    cheers jim

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Midnight's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Blue Marlin


    Well done Bugman.

    Another good day out there today in trying conditions this morning, but it got better as the day went on.

    We raised 3 and only got one on, which managed to chafe through the Momoi 400lb Ultra hard leader in around 3 minutes

    Megumi raised at least 4, and Bangalee were the stars of the day getting 4 from 5 on I think.

    2 that we raised had very lazy swipes at a couple of lures and then buggered off. The one we hooked up gave the short rigger a good whack and then monstered it

    Anyway, a good day out and it was nice to be out there and raise a few up in Midnight.


  5. #5

    Re: Blue Marlin

    Thanks Brett for the report.

    Funny thing, you look like you are wearing one of my old fat shirts .. what's doin ????

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  6. #6

    Re: Blue Marlin

    I hear the small blacks and sails are runnin well already off the spit at Hervey too....
    NEWBY T.G.

  7. #7

    Re: Blue Marlin

    Well done I hope to be able to chase the bill fish one day.
    Life is short fish hard!!!
    21,6 Sea Fox WA Pro ....

  8. #8

    Re: Blue Marlin

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    Thanks Brett for the report.

    Funny thing, you look like you are wearing one of my old fat shirts .. what's doin ????

    It's just billowing in the wind Phil..... billowing in the wind

    Myles... There seems a pretty good bite around at the moment. Lets hope they don't bugger off south too quickly. There's a been a few raised down here off Tweed as well. Gear failure is the pits - especially when chasing Blues as they certainly don't give you that many chances.

    On another note - the tinny had her "outriggers" fitted yesterday so I'm now ready to get serious in the little boat. I just need a fishable day sometime this week. You should have seen the faces on the ski boats as I trolled up and down the Tweed river with the riggers out and two Tiagra 80s on board testing all my lures priceless.


  9. #9

    Re: Blue Marlin


    On another note - the tinny had her "outriggers" fitted yesterday so I'm now ready to get serious in the little boat. I just need a fishable day sometime this week. You should have seen the faces on the ski boats as I trolled up and down the Tweed river with the riggers out and two Tiagra 80s on board testing all my lures priceless.


    That would have been a sight!

    Thanks for a good report Brett with some great photos. Awesome sight to see the colours of a Blue beside the boat mate.


  10. #10

    Re: Blue Marlin

    Good work on Ymer boys!!
    You gotta love the blues dont ya, spend half a day playing with the lures then the one that decides it is serious KO's you in the first round.
    all good frustrating adrenalin pumping fun!!

  11. #11

    Re: Blue Marlin

    Here are a couple of dollie pics from the trip.

    This one was certainly my biggest going probably 18kg - ish.

    The other pic is from the double header before the third came on board.

    And PS - Phil - look at those muscles ripple


  12. #12

    Re: Blue Marlin

    Quote Originally Posted by bugman View Post
    On another note - the tinny had her "outriggers" fitted yesterday so I'm now ready to get serious in the little boat. I just need a fishable day sometime this week. You should have seen the faces on the ski boats as I trolled up and down the Tweed river with the riggers out and two Tiagra 80s on board testing all my lures priceless.

    Brett, when I saw the post I thought you had cracked one in the Tinny
    Good luck when you get the chance to have a shot.


    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  13. #13

    Re: Blue Marlin


    You looking fat brother!!!!

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member Midnight's Avatar
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Blue Marlin

    Yeah Brett I hope they stick around for a while, because I sure do like fishing for them, and I love the reaction from first time crew and anglers when one jumps one. Makes my day!

    Nice Mahi Mahi, I was hoping to get one of those on Sunday. Megumi had a few nice ones in the wake apparently. They are good fun, and great on the BBQ.

    Go the tinnie Marlin fishing

    Troy, it was a real bummer to lose the fish the way we did ( and one of my favourite lures ), but I think even 600lb leader would not have made a difference there. It must have had the leader around its bill a cupla times I think, and then 12kg of drag, a few jumps and some good head shaking took care of its release

    Cheers and good luck out there!


  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member wak69's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Blue Marlin

    Great report, lets hope there still around this week end.


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