Mechanical breakdown offshore with a snapped or lost anchor...drifting towards the rocks
Mechanical breakdown offshore with a snapped or lost anchor...drifting towards the rocks
Having to be rescued is a big fear of mine especially if it is something silly like a flat battery or running out of fuel - oh the shame.....
The other fear is being taken by a sea serpent - I would hate to be swallowed by a sea serpent and end up being his/her lunch/dinner. Imagine the pain as you are slowly digested in its long, stinking,cavernous, twirlng coils of fishy horror - I also have a small fear of being taken by a giant squid but I am not convinced they would come up from the deep dark depths to ingest me
Giant crabs are also a worry but you do not normally get these at sea - more likely - to find them whilst on leave at port.....cheers...........Geeb
On the kayak, fear of being hit or swamped by moronic boaties who have to pass within 20m or so while doing max speed. This is even more interesting when I have a big fish on.
In the boat fear of hitting large floating objects and the motor not restarting.
The fear of having this wonderful past time taken away from us, and not being able to share it with our family's.
I am not an Angler I am an Athlete of the sea.............<><
Bob Brown..and all those weedy useless pinko lezzo commo mamby pamby purse carrying nancy boys now making a junket living off self perpetuating and biased "science"...and the morons who swallow whatever they're told as well as a fear campaign based on that time honoured way of securing funding for shoddy science...go looking for it and you'll at least find something.
Other than that maybe a submerged idea why when i' far more likely to hit a log, sunfish or whale.
No wait...the guy that sits there at night with next to no lighting thinking he'll just flash his spottie on every now and then.
that i get to my secret spot before daylight and start catching straight away, then just after sunrise they are still biting strong and i see several boats closing in on me after changing course...i fear that i've taken my shotgun fishing that day and that i might finally snap and start loading it![]()
Only thing that concerns me is the thought of someone running up her arse on the road.
I have no fear on the water. That does not mean I am foolhardy, but if my time is up, I want to go out doing what I love.
Three things:
Having to be towed / rescued for something stupid ie flat battery, no fuel
My new transom breaking and falling off the back of boat taking my motor with it
Going out to sea and eating some nasty food which makes me need to take a crap really bad....... then having to drive all the way back to the ramp and run to the nearest dunny and drop my dacks with the toilet doors open, making horrible noises and having a very sore burnt bumhole........ ** This has happened before**
Jesus, must remember to never go boating with you then!
Slipping off the back of the boat while unloading some Bob Brown's, at night, off Fraser, in a roaring current, and knowing what lives there. This happened to me too.... and I proved that you CAN swim against three knots of current in a spray jacket with tracky dacks round the ankles. Have measures in place to save me next time, dont want to prove it again....
split a tinnie 40k off lucinda at 2a.m. thanks to who ever invented positive buyoncy and evan more so epirb and most thanks to the rescue helicopter for picking us upgot a plate rig now 6mm bottom worst fear hull failure
I cant believe so many have/nearly run out of fuel??????
Hit a submerged object, eg Sunfish ...already done it, scored a 5 foot crack down the keel.
Get run into by some unobservant idiot...done it also,
13 miles offshore when a pro crab boat failed to see me after approaching from 2 miles away....true.
Not catching any fish.....that's gotta suck,
Well i like to think that i've got my bases covered when offshore, i know my boat is near impossible to sink and even if it flips or gets rolled it should float upside down for a very very long time and then all i have to do is set off the epirb and wait on the hull for help to arrive! It's similar with motor break down , if by chance the both motors and radio fails epirb is the back up, so all good there! I do carry a some what excessive first aid kit but i guess you cant have to much , so again all good there! If the weather gets real nasty , and it has just take your time , it will be uncomfortable but you'll get home so no real fear there either.
But there is one thing that does worry me when offshore and i'm a bit supprised that know one has mentioned it previously in the last 3 pages and that's a FIRE on the boat !!!! It's the one big weakness and would cause me to get into the water and spend time there, not nice . So a fire on the boat is really the only thing that would truely scare me , all else is managable imho!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
I totally agree and had a scare recently when I didnt notice a leaking jerry and we pulled up to anchor for the night and both my mates sparked up a smoke, just seconds after they did the smell of fuel hit me and i lifted the center floor to see a pool of pety. Both guys threw there smokes away instantly. Not that I think a cigy would light it up but lighter sparks definately could have. Out the reef at night with glass boat on fire and 200L of fuel (only about 5L had leaked). That would suck balls bad.