Rumour has it, that DPI&F Fisheries will be placing video cameras at a majority of Qld Boat ramps in an effort to gather info on numbers of rec fishos and associated data. Installation starts December 2010 and should be done by July 2011.
Only a rumour at this stage, but I will endeavour to confirm this asap.
Cheers phill
Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 04-11-2010 at 07:49 PM.
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
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Thats ok for the major ramps but what about the hundreds of ungazetted private and informal ramps around the place. Most canal estates have a ramp or pontoon on nearly every single house block. Add to that the dozens of locations where no ramp exists at all yet many people still launch there regularly.
This is just another big brother exercise if it comes off that will benefit nobody but the people the cameras are installed for, they certainly not benefit the ramp users.
i cant realy cant see how this could help in any such way? they cant get fishing data from cameras. what can they possibly gain from this??
i suppose it would be handy for overnighters knowing theres a camera recording in the car park.
another deplorable waist of tax payers money imo.
will the cameras be on the ramps or the carparks? (if it happens at all)
Even with cameras there is nothing guaranteed.
bring it on i reckon, if it ends up being a deterrent to someone making off with my car or trailer when i leave them at the ramp then i'm all for it.
Looks like regos will go up to pay for all this or even fishing licences.
Phill, I'm sure you know the appropriate person to calll....
In the meantime, there is this bit on the web page.
Boat ramps and fishing sites
We are collecting data at boat ramps and some shore-based fishing sites. These onsite activities will help validate the results of the Statewide Recreational Fishing Survey. Fisheries staff will be at some boat ramps during the day.
We will also be using a limited amount of low resolution time-lapse photography intermittently between December 2010 and September 2011 at a few boat ramps in South East Queensland. The images will only be used to generate statistics on boat ramp use - no boats, cars or people will be identified. These statistics help validate the telephone component of the survey and identify peak times when ramps are used.
The results of this survey will be compared to our previous telephone-diary surveys, which provided a valuable time series of recreational fishing information. However, the current 2010 survey is expected to provide more precise estimates.
These statistics help validate the telephone component of the survey and identify peak times when ramps are used.
So their doing this to see when is peak hour at the boats ramps....c'mon...
Vegetarian - Ancient tribal slang for the village idiot that can't hunt, fish or ride.
In the dark of night, at say 2.30 am, will I get my picture taken at the boat ramp?
Certainly, I have had a police car pull up and inspect my safety gear etc at that time.
Wouldn't it be great if the cameras were working at night time? I have had occasion to hold on to my motor support bracket for longer than necessary until a couple of undesirables took the hint about not hanging around me as a lone boatie in an empty carpark after midnight. I reckon that a lot of damage could be done to an assailant's head with a motor support bracket.
I cannot help feeling that a camera at the ramp and car park would be very useful at times.
I would say they will use the data to see where they are going to add a fee to use the ramp between certin times ?? Or add parking meters to the car parks
Seeing as the tunnel is going up to $3 they might add a Toll to the ramp where we get charged per use....
Sure I am only guessing here but its something I have been wondering about everytime I hear the Toll beep on the way to the boat ramp.
fishfeeder..Fisheries do not have control over the ramps..these are controlled by the transport Dept or the local council.
I don't think that the current Govt is even that dumb to try and put meters at ramps etc
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the boat ramp section of Transport Dept could not even afford to buy one meter presently..LOL