I took 3 guys from my Cricket team over to Moreton on Sunday morning, conditons were pretty good so I decided to head to deep Tempest. We hit the corner heading to the Cape and were greeted with a preasure waves which slowed us up and by the time we got to the cape 2 of the boys turned green and started producing burley. Decided to change plans and head to hutchies and 2 of us had a fish for 1/2 hour for 2 scorpion cod and a kingie dropped by my mate at the boat. The other 2 were still produing burley for us so decided to put out some lures and slow troll back until we were inside the bay, this would be my first attempt at trolling so expectations were low, but you got be be in it to win it.
Put out a reidy's shallow diver Judge that I got from the facory when I was in Darwin earlier in the year, 2 skirts and a Rapala X wrap magnum 6m diver. After about 15mins the reel with the xrap on it starts screaming, gee that is a beautiful sound to hear. I grabed the rod and started the battle, after about 10 mins a fish surfaced about 30 metres from the boat and the boys all called out it's a #!@#$%^ shark after a 2nd look I said no its not it's a !@#$%!% horse black king! (gee they look heaps bigger under water.) The fish had me going from one side of the boat to the other for the next 10mins before he was finally gaffed on the 3rd attempt.
High 10's all round even the 2 lifeless ones managed to join in, That was was one unlucky fish !
I was wrapped my first ever Cobia and a nice one to open the account !.
It was caught trolling at 6 knots on a red / white xwrap, line 80lb berkley whiplash pro and 65pound trace. We then trolled to moreton with no more sucess and went for a swim for an hour and took a couple of pics before heading home.
Fish measured 138 cm and went 20.54 kg or 45 pounds on the old scale.
As i am still an offshore novice but I noiced that 6 knots seamed to be a good speed on the deep divers but didn't put much action on the skirts. What speed to most people troll at when using both ?