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Thread: Curtis Island gone....

  1. #46

    Re: Curtis Island gone....

    hi andy, the reason development like this gets a tick in gladstone is like i mentioned in an earlier post, gladstone and it's natural protected harbour has been earmarked by government as the industrial capital of queensland for noxious industries for decades now. their reasoning will be that it's better for everyone in the state if they contain it all in one location and one port facility instead of spreading it all over the state. people should move there to make a living and earn some good coin, not to swim in the not so pristine waters. put it this way, if industry was removed from gladdy the joint would be a ghost town and thousands of families would be way worse off.

    as for the green zones in moreton bay, well i've gotta question their relevance with respect to some development happening a little closer to home. we've got a green zone straight out the front of home at beachmere because a government department decided that the area had significant ecological value. a different government department is now saying that dredging adjacent to that green zone is ok because there's nothing of any significant value that will be affected nearby. who's right? regardless of whether you support or oppose the development we have two government departments making decisions that seem to based on conflicting information. do they go so far as to manipulate the information they base their decisions on, in order to get the outcome they want? it certainly seems that way to me. dredging for a new runway anyone ............... too easy, we can do that.

  2. #47

    Re: Curtis Island gone....

    All is forgiven and no harm is done if some mangroves are planted 30 klms away. Or maybe if an existing Greeny Zone is extended to compensate

    Easy as ...

  3. #48

    Re: Curtis Island gone....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben D View Post
    as I said 6 months ago, maybe those who are choosing to work for the LNG industry might now begin to realise the true costs of their jobs and the economic prosperity that comes from them. Massive problems with kills of many species of fish in Gladstone Harbour associated with LNG developments.

    What we are seeing here is collapse of an ecosystem into a much less productive alternative state. All in the name of economic prosperity. The Indian chiefs were right when they said how people must eventually realise they cannot eat money.
    Do you have any evidence that CSG/LNG is the cause of this? Or are we putting 1 and 1 together to get 3?
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  4. #49

    Re: Curtis Island gone....

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovey80 View Post
    Do you have any evidence that CSG/LNG is the cause of this? Or are we putting 1 and 1 together to get 3?
    The current dredging (which is much more substantial than maintenance dredging- we are talking up to 36M cubes) causing these issues, is to expand the port to accomodate the growth of these industries Lovey.
    It is clearly stated (GPCL website) the expansion and associated dredging is for CSG, LNG and UCG industries. Exactly what evidence do you need?

  5. #50

    Re: Curtis Island gone....

    they reclaim a fair bit of industrial land up there too lovey.

  6. #51

    Re: Curtis Island gone....

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovey80 View Post
    Do you have any evidence that CSG/LNG is the cause of this? Or are we putting 1 and 1 together to get 3?
    Exactly. In 1980 they dredged 20M but this time it is different as there is a lot of money floating around and look who's making the noise as they want part of the action. In 1980 there were many more fishermen earning a living in Gladstone. One of the conditions are the those who are impacted are to be compensated so ratchet up the publicity to increase the payout.
    Not different to unions looking for pay increases complaining about work conditions the offer then a fist full of dollars and all goes quiet. As I said before hand up hand out.

  7. #52

    Re: Curtis Island gone....

    Quote Originally Posted by Camhawk88 View Post
    The current dredging (which is much more substantial than maintenance dredging- we are talking up to 36M cubes) causing these issues, is to expand the port to accomodate the growth of these industries Lovey.
    It is clearly stated (GPCL website) the expansion and associated dredging is for CSG, LNG and UCG industries. Exactly what evidence do you need?
    I am not defending it either way. But Ben has IMO directly related the actual CSG/LNG to be the threat of the ecosystem not the dredging etc that may or may not be the cause of these problems. Maybe I have misinterpreted him maybe not but it seems to me that Ben warned about CSG etc being a threat here, and now that we are having problems he is jumping the gun and blaming the CSG
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

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