hi andy, the reason development like this gets a tick in gladstone is like i mentioned in an earlier post, gladstone and it's natural protected harbour has been earmarked by government as the industrial capital of queensland for noxious industries for decades now. their reasoning will be that it's better for everyone in the state if they contain it all in one location and one port facility instead of spreading it all over the state. people should move there to make a living and earn some good coin, not to swim in the not so pristine waters. put it this way, if industry was removed from gladdy the joint would be a ghost town and thousands of families would be way worse off.
as for the green zones in moreton bay, well i've gotta question their relevance with respect to some development happening a little closer to home. we've got a green zone straight out the front of home at beachmere because a government department decided that the area had significant ecological value. a different government department is now saying that dredging adjacent to that green zone is ok because there's nothing of any significant value that will be affected nearby. who's right? regardless of whether you support or oppose the development we have two government departments making decisions that seem to based on conflicting information. do they go so far as to manipulate the information they base their decisions on, in order to get the outcome they want? it certainly seems that way to me. dredging for a new runway anyone ............... too easy, we can do that.