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Thread: what is more important to you???

  1. #31
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: what is more important to you???

    OK I'll bite.

    So damn fed up with people saying what we should and shouldn't do, and smart ar$e remarks about waiting for someone to say "It's within the Law so I'll do it."

    Well it IS within the Law, so I bloody well WILL do it. Anyone who comes up to me ad tells me otherwise will cop a smack in the gob.

    My last trip was to Agnes in mid September for the M&G. The fish is all gone. Had we caught a bag, I might still have some in the freezer, and still be eating fish. I don't mind if it's been frozen, can't tell the difference.

    Self righteous, overly precious little jerks carrying on about what other people should and shouldn't do need to start thinking about getting things right themselves. Stick your nose into my life? I will reward you the best way I know how.

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  2. #32

    Thumbs up Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    BAG LIMIT ..... Turns my stomach when I hear that combination of words.

    Yes - maximum bag limits are in place for many species ...... and hell you really do need them because some fishoes would continue to fill their ice boxes till they are chockers given half a chance.
    The amount of times that I have heard "I got my bag" makes me think that there is still a mindset that is about getting as much as they can ------ specially when they calculate out how many trout / sweetlip / and emperor they could have on the boat ..... based on the people on board. - fair dinkum.

    fishing will only get tougher while ever that mindset exists .....
    while I have nothing against those that want to take a feed ..... as we really do have some great table fish available - I do feel a bit so so about those that think that they can take whatever they like as long as it is within the rules .... their focus is the limit ....... rather than what they really require . Hearing that someone goes out a bags out on trout , lippers and emperor ..... 17 legals can be a hell of a lot of fish. ......

    Hi NAGG , SPEED limits & ALCOHOL limits probably sends you into "convulsions" too....
    Mate , Fishing to catch Fish is fine , I prefer to eat them , or I wouldn't go in the first place.

    C&R will be banned/LIMITED !! in the future , FISHING to EAT will never be banned , restrictions will increase , but that's the Vegan Wankers 4 U

    refocus your mindset...."WITHIN size-LIMITS , WITHIN allowed bag-LIMITS" 4 me

  3. #33

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by Gazza View Post
    Hi NAGG , SPEED limits & ALCOHOL limits probably sends you into "convulsions" too....
    Mate , Fishing to catch Fish is fine , I prefer to eat them , or I wouldn't go in the first place.

    C&R will be banned/LIMITED !! in the future , FISHING to EAT will never be banned , restrictions will increase , but that's the Vegan Wankers 4 U

    refocus your mindset...."WITHIN size-LIMITS , WITHIN allowed bag-LIMITS" 4 me
    you know what i mean ....... what's the saying "limit your catch not catch your limit" ....... now that works for me

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  4. #34

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by TimiBoy View Post
    OK I'll bite.

    So damn fed up with people saying what we should and shouldn't do, and smart ar$e remarks about waiting for someone to say "It's within the Law so I'll do it."

    Well it IS within the Law, so I bloody well WILL do it. Anyone who comes up to me ad tells me otherwise will cop a smack in the gob.

    My last trip was to Agnes in mid September for the M&G. The fish is all gone. Had we caught a bag, I might still have some in the freezer, and still be eating fish. I don't mind if it's been frozen, can't tell the difference.

    Self righteous, overly precious little jerks carrying on about what other people should and shouldn't do need to start thinking about getting things right themselves. Stick your nose into my life? I will reward you the best way I know how.

    Amen brother

  5. #35

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by plastix4me View Post
    Point taken Marto78. Interesting reading.

    Also, when I have more time (leaving at 5am to go fishing), I will track down footage that I have seen that shows fish regurgitating the plastic shortly after digesting it as once they realise it is not a natural substance they get rid of it. Plastics are good enough to fool them to take it, but it doesn't mean that the fish are stupid enough to think it's food once it is in their gut. I also use biodegradable plastics.
    plastix4me your right the fish do regurgitate soft plastics and hooks after they have been gut hooked, alot of fish do survive after a gut hook, the ones that mainly die r the ones that have wankers trying to reef there hooks back out, but other than that the suvivel rate is alot higher than some people think,

    also just to point out no where in any of these posts have any one been told wat to or wat not to do, i posted this to find out wat other peoples thoughts r, everyone can do wat they belive in, if u want to take a full bag well thats up to u given its within the laws, and i know there r alot of people out there that cant get out all to often and they will take there bag limit which is fine too,

    as for people saying catch and release and sports fishing should be banned, well thats a load of... if u want that banned why not just go all out and bar people from fishing all together, now its been said that way sounds a little stupid dont u think??? oh and just to add on the soft plastics i havent ever gut hooked a fish while fishing with plastics,

    at the end of the day we all do it because we enjoy fishing and having a feed of fish, i for one would like the fishing to always be there for everyone to enjoy,

    one last thing to think about, what happens to all the sea food at the fish markets and other sea food stores after a day or too of having the fish out on display???

  6. #36

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by TimiBoy View Post
    OK I'll bite.

    So damn fed up with people saying what we should and shouldn't do, and smart ar$e remarks about waiting for someone to say "It's within the Law so I'll do it."

    Well it IS within the Law, so I bloody well WILL do it. Anyone who comes up to me ad tells me otherwise will cop a smack in the gob.

    My last trip was to Agnes in mid September for the M&G. The fish is all gone. Had we caught a bag, I might still have some in the freezer, and still be eating fish. I don't mind if it's been frozen, can't tell the difference.

    Self righteous, overly precious little jerks carrying on about what other people should and shouldn't do need to start thinking about getting things right themselves. Stick your nose into my life? I will reward you the best way I know how.


    Timmy, you just wish someone could have a go at your for taking your bag, but alas, it will never happen

  7. #37
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by brenno360 View Post
    plastix4me your right the fish do regurgitate soft plastics and hooks after they have been gut hooked, alot of fish do survive after a gut hook, the ones that mainly die r the ones that have wankers trying to reef there hooks back out, but other than that the suvivel rate is alot higher than some people think,

    also just to point out no where in any of these posts have any one been told wat to or wat not to do, i posted this to find out wat other peoples thoughts r, everyone can do wat they belive in, if u want to take a full bag well thats up to u given its within the laws, and i know there r alot of people out there that cant get out all to often and they will take there bag limit which is fine too,

    as for people saying catch and release and sports fishing should be banned, well thats a load of... if u want that banned why not just go all out and bar people from fishing all together, now its been said that way sounds a little stupid dont u think??? oh and just to add on the soft plastics i havent ever gut hooked a fish while fishing with plastics,

    at the end of the day we all do it because we enjoy fishing and having a feed of fish, i for one would like the fishing to always be there for everyone to enjoy,

    one last thing to think about, what happens to all the sea food at the fish markets and other sea food stores after a day or too of having the fish out on display???
    I suggest you do some reading and see what some groups are aiming for:

    "Catch-and-release fishing is cruelty disguised as "sport." Studies show that fish who are caught and then returned to the water suffer such severe physiological stress that they often die of shock. Fish often swallow hooks, and anglers may try to retrieve a hook by shoving their fingers or pliers down the fish's throat, ripping out not just the hook but some of the fish's throat and guts as well. When fish are handled, the protective coating on their bodies is disturbed. These and other injuries make fish easy targets for predators once they are returned to the water.
    Fish feel pain because, like all animals, they have nerves. Hooked fish struggle out of fear and physical pain, desperate to breathe. Once fish are hauled out of their aqueous environment and into ours, they begin to suffocate, and their gills often collapse. In commercial fishing, fish's swim bladders can rupture because of the sudden change in pressure.
    Angling hurts other animals too. Every year, anglers leave behind a trail of tackle victims that includes millions of birds, turtles, and other animals who suffer debilitating injuries after they swallow fishhooks or become entangled in fishing line. Wildlife rehabilitators say that discarded fishing tackle is one of the greatest threats to aquatic animals.
    Fishing is far from a harmless pastime. Please encourage anglers to ditch their poles and try alternative activities, such as hiking, camping, and canoeing."

    This mob is well organised, well funded and are them at your own peril. They want fishing banned totally and they are not stupid.

  8. #38

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Thamks PH ...... Peta certainly need to be watched - how vocal they will be in places like Australia and the US only time will tell ........
    Besides Timiboy will sort them out ..... sorry Timi

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  9. #39
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post
    Timmy, you just wish someone could have a go at your for taking your bag, but alas, it will never happen
    As the man from Infofish says, a bag out happens every 500 or so trips, on average. I do MUCH better than that, so up yours, you big poof!

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  10. #40

    Re: what is more important to you???

    "one last thing to think about, what happens to all the sea food at the fish markets and other sea food stores after a day or too of having the fish out on display???"

    This is still hinting at the same old yarn that comes up over and over. Other people pushing their own mentality on others. That is such a blanket statement but as usual it seems another slug on the idea that anyone should bring a fish home.
    Typical environmental crap that shapes humans as not part of the environment. Its like, dont touch this you will damage the environment, dont walk there or you will damage the environment, dont take that or you will damage the environment. Dont burn that dead wood or you will damage the environment.
    I am personally so sick of this stupid talk that shapes human beings as not part of the environment, what are we, aliens or something?
    The vast majority of people on here are hunter gatherers, ie they fish smart and eat fish. Yes there are some who C an R, and I dont have aproblem with that, but to ask such a silly question that infers that taking fish is wrong, well give me a break.
    Personally I think its crazy to go out and stress fish just for fun, without taking fish to eat.
    Can you get it into your head, its OK AND WITHIN THE LAW TO EAT FISH!
    The fish are there for us to EAT!
    I am so over this mentality being pushed out on here in the "shape of a question"
    Everyone knows exactly the agenda here.

  11. #41

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by flatzie View Post
    "one last thing to think about, what happens to all the sea food at the fish markets and other sea food stores after a day or too of having the fish out on display???"

    This is still hinting at the same old yarn that comes up over and over. Other people pushing their own mentality on others. That is such a blanket statement but as usual it seems another slug on the idea that anyone should bring a fish home.
    Typical environmental crap that shapes humans as not part of the environment. Its like, dont touch this you will damage the environment, dont walk there or you will damage the environment, dont take that or you will damage the environment. Dont burn that dead wood or you will damage the environment.
    I am personally so sick of this stupid talk that shapes human beings as not part of the environment, what are we, aliens or something?
    The vast majority of people on here are hunter gatherers, ie they fish smart and eat fish. Yes there are some who C an R, and I dont have aproblem with that, but to ask such a silly question that infers that taking fish is wrong, well give me a break.
    Personally I think its crazy to go out and stress fish just for fun, without taking fish to eat.
    Can you get it into your head, its OK AND WITHIN THE LAW TO EAT FISH!
    The fish are there for us to EAT!
    I am so over this mentality being pushed out on here in the "shape of a question"
    Everyone knows exactly the agenda here.
    I dont think that it is a case of taking a feed - I really dont think that too many have a problem with it - However , there are way too many think that the limit is the target.
    strangely - you hear plenty of whinging about the "yellow raincoat brigade" who get as many members of the family on the jetties / rocks & beaches and take as much as they can,

    I have actually heard it straight from guys mouths that they will catch more trout than their limit - because their mates in another boat will either not get there before the bite ends or not have the ability to get their bag ......... no crap!

    We talk of bag limits ...... but how many go out & one member is a competent fishoe and gets his bag while the rest struggle............ funnily they come back with A BOAT LIMIT! ......... better still when part of the crew are their missus and kids.
    Come on ..... get real

    & please - dont try telling me that this is not common ..... because I've been asked to do it several times by family members and mates.
    That is one thing that means jack - in catch & release

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: what is more important to you???

    Funny Funny If the C&R crowd eventually lose out as animal annoyers in the long run! LOL!!
    Can I add this?

    We sem to be happy that Poultry farmers restock to keep us a good feed of Red breasted yard warblers!! And they restock to keep us in eggs. Farmers are forever restocking fields with sheep , cattle and grunters so all of us can keep munchin meats! So whats going on with fisheries??

    We are now restocking waterways. What for? So people can annoy fish?? Or so people can keep eating fish??

    If you want to argue against people catchin their bag limits of fish you better also start picketing your local Leonards and a few butcher shops where I have noticed a lot of fat bums buying way over their neccesities of beef and pork chops!

    We restock fields to eat we restock waterways to eat???
    Start protesting against eating other animals as well if you are going to be consistant with your so called care of the envioroment?
    Yep, pass me another piece of fillet boys.


    C& R is possibly like bowhunting cows and releasing them because we cant eat that much.

  13. #43
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar
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    Re: what is more important to you???

    Catch and Release or Catch and fillet? I do both. Depends on the species, my freezer at home, my mood for the day, how many I have caught and finally the bag limit. Generally I C&R most freshwater fish, but have no issue of take one or two IF my freezer is empty at home. Saltwater is a mix of both. Still have some spanish left in the freezer at home, that I am enjoying with the family, so will not be targeting a feed for a while. I don't get to go out that much, so what is the difference between me going out once a month and catch a bag to be eaten over the month or going out several times a week and taking home a feed for the night? I stick to and support the rules.


  14. #44

    Re: what is more important to you???

    I must be a really bad fisherman as I have never caught a bag limit of anything, you guys are giving me a terrible inferiority complex.
    While I do C&R sometimes depending on needs and mood I cant stand the C&R only guys who are trying to demonise us for taking a feed.

    I will certainly be fighting for our rights to fish for fun while quietly sniggering when that superior crowd come under fire from the bunny huggers.

  15. #45
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by FishHunter View Post
    I must be a really bad fisherman as I have never caught a bag limit of anything, you guys are giving me a terrible inferiority complex.
    While I do C&R sometimes depending on needs and mood I cant stand the C&R only guys who are trying to demonise us for taking a feed.

    I will certainly be fighting for our rights to fish for fun while quietly sniggering when that superior crowd come under fire from the bunny huggers.
    fret not fishy..not many do catch a bag limit so you are in the majority.

    I do not go out to fish c&r but obviously do when a fish is undersized etc..BUT..I will fight against any ridiculous attempts to prevent it by so called green groups.

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