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Thread: what is more important to you???

  1. #16

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by HeadBanger View Post
    I've been thinking for a while, there should be a fisheries officer for every major jetty around the place (SPJ, Shornecliffe, etc.) Probably not cost effective though.
    Who cares if it's cost effective or not (but I can see what your thinking and it sucks). It's policing of the laws of the lands.
    These laws should be policed the same as they police drug or stealing laws.
    Oh, just remembered...they don't police those laws either.

    Maybe they should have undersized bream camera's to make it worth their while and cost effective as headbanger has mentioned??

    Imagine a bream cam on the sandpumping jetty??
    Yellow raincoats pulled over everyone's heads whilst they're bringing in the tiny tailor
    I intend on living far so good

  2. #17

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Just remember that not every fisho gets the opportunity to go out as frequently as others. I put myself in that class. If I catch a few, I don't want to be given grief about putting a couple in the freezer to feed my family over the next few weeks. Some fish don't freeze well, but some are perfectly fine. I fish for fun and relaxation, but I love eating fish, as do my family. Nothing better for young kids growing up.

    I agree that current laws should be policed and abided by more thoroughly. I also agree that C&R is not without consequences for the fish and people need to check their own back yards before they inspect others.

  3. #18

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    Who cares if it's cost effective or not (but I can see what your thinking and it sucks). It's policing of the laws of the lands.
    These laws should be policed the same as they police drug or stealing laws.
    Oh, just remembered...they don't police those laws either.

    Maybe they should have undersized bream camera's to make it worth their while and cost effective as headbanger has mentioned??

    Imagine a bream cam on the sandpumping jetty??
    Yellow raincoats pulled over everyone's heads whilst they're bringing in the tiny tailor
    Money is power, but I guess both money and power can be corrupt. I don't care if it's cost effective or not, but I'm sure the DPI does. They're not going to go out of their way to employ officers in new areas if it means losing money. Especially as QLD fishers don't put any money towards DPI (ie- no rec fishing license.) Not that I'm supporting a QLD rec fishing license.

    Anyway, I'm not very learned on topics like this (I normally refrain from posting in such threads), but I guess the more I ask and converse, the more I'll learn.

    Conservation NOT preservation!

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member marto78's Avatar
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    May 2009

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by plastix4me View Post
    PinHead ""c&r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive.

    Can you clarify for me please. Are you suggesting that c & r could some time in the future be banned, therefore I will have to keep all fish I catch? Or am I completely misunderstanding your comment?

    Fish handled quickly and correctly and released with minimal fuss have a good chance of survival. Certainly a higher chance of survival than on someone's frying pan


    I take it that you are a dedicated soft plastic fisho and that you probably go through a few plastics every trip? Have you ever wondered how well those fish fair swimming around with those bits and peices of plastic in their stomachs? Not to well I would think.

    Have a read of this:

    For every tailess squidgy or gulp you have lost you have more then likely condemmed another fish to a fate that is a lot worse then a quick death and a frying pan.

    IMO plastic fishos should be banned not people who want to go out and catch a feed of fish.

    A bit more light reading:

  5. #20

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by marto78 View Post
    I take it that you are a dedicated soft plastic fisho and that you probably go through a few plastics every trip? Have you ever wondered how well those fish fair swimming around with those bits and peices of plastic in their stomachs? Not to well I would think.

    Have a read of this:

    For every tailess squidgy or gulp you have lost you have more then likely condemmed another fish to a fate that is a lot worse then a quick death and a frying pan.

    IMO plastic fishos should be banned not people who want to go out and catch a feed of fish.

    A bit more light reading:
    Plastic fisherman should be banned? You're kidding right? I'm guessing you don't fish plastics. Ever had an undersized fish swallow a hook? I'm sure that condemned a fish 'to a fate a lot worse than a quick death in a frypan'.

    What if a plastic fisherman is a person who wants to go out and catch a feed of fish? How does your argument hold up then?

    Just my opinion....

    EDIT: I seem to remember reading a study (might have been on here) that talked about biodegradable plastics dissolving in bream's stomach and having no adverse effect on the bream's health. I'll see if I can find it.

    On second thought, I might not hijack this thread much more, and start my own thread if I find it.
    Last edited by HeadBanger; 30-10-2010 at 09:12 PM. Reason: added stuff and screwed up spelling
    Conservation NOT preservation!

  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member -spiro-'s Avatar
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    Re: what is more important to you???

    this thread [same thing different wording]comes up every year. Mate i go fishing to catch fish. i release if there small or i have my bag limit. i get to go out once every month or two so the fish i catch my give us a couple of good feeds for tea.
    i play by the rules and don't think fish stocks have dropped.
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  7. #22

    Re: what is more important to you???

    am cracking out the popcorn and beer and sitting on the couch in anticipation of the comments that are about to come on this one!!!!!

  8. #23
    Ausfish Platinum Member bigjimg's Avatar
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    Moorooka, Brisbane.

    Re: what is more important to you???

    I went out today and caught some fish but unfortunately were not big enough.So it was a donut for us.Too much current out wide,the fish were there though.As for c&r if that is your bag good for you.Plenty of fish out there to take home or c&r.Things are fine as they are.Jim
    Haines Signature "FinaLeigh" 580F 135 Optimax
    CH 81 & 72 VHF

  9. #24

    Re: what is more important to you???

    For God's sake, don't ban soft plastics. The people that use them think they are smarter than everyone else and think they out fish (live?) bait. Let them be.

    There you go SleepyGreg.....

  10. #25

    Re: what is more important to you???

    BAG LIMIT ..... Turns my stomach when I hear that combination of words.

    Yes - maximum bag limits are in place for many species ...... and hell you really do need them because some fishoes would continue to fill their ice boxes till they are chockers given half a chance.
    The amount of times that I have heard "I got my bag" makes me think that there is still a mindset that is about getting as much as they can ------ specially when they calculate out how many trout / sweetlip / and emperor they could have on the boat ..... based on the people on board. - fair dinkum.

    fishing will only get tougher while ever that mindset exists .....
    while I have nothing against those that want to take a feed ..... as we really do have some great table fish available - I do feel a bit so so about those that think that they can take whatever they like as long as it is within the rules .... their focus is the limit ....... rather than what they really require . Hearing that someone goes out a bags out on trout , lippers and emperor ..... 17 legals can be a hell of a lot of fish. ......

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  11. #26

    Re: what is more important to you???

    I just get enjoyment out of catching fish ,not how many or how big

  12. #27

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by HeadBanger View Post
    Yeah I agree. I've been thinking for a while, there should be a fisheries officer for every major jetty around the place (SPJ, Shornecliffe, etc.) Probably not cost effective though.

    I don't reckon there's a lack of fish in our estuaries. A lot of anglers nowadays focus on catch and release and only taking as many fish as you need for immediate consumption.

    No matter how many rules there are written, not everybody is going to stick by them. If you don't believe me, take a walk down the Sand Pumping Jetty when the tailor are on. Every fish gets chucked in a bucket, regardless of size or bag limits.

    Some fisheries officers out there would be nice. MArk Robinson sent out an email recently about this. I think the after hours thing got quizzed in parliament.

    Answer was basically Fisheries have done so many hours of operations, and so many were done out side of hours. But, ask any fisheries officer how much time is spent in moreton bay outside of 9-5 at the moment, and the answer will be almost none.

  13. #28

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by marto78 View Post
    I take it that you are a dedicated soft plastic fisho and that you probably go through a few plastics every trip? Have you ever wondered how well those fish fair swimming around with those bits and peices of plastic in their stomachs? Not to well I would think.

    Have a read of this:

    For every tailess squidgy or gulp you have lost you have more then likely condemmed another fish to a fate that is a lot worse then a quick death and a frying pan.

    IMO plastic fishos should be banned not people who want to go out and catch a feed of fish.

    A bit more light reading:
    Point taken Marto78. Interesting reading.

    Since changing to exclusively plastics (and some hard bodies) the quality of fish I catch has increased as well as the quantity. Also, in the last two years of solid plastics fishing (about 3 out of every 4 weekends) I have only had one fish swallow my plastic. Back when I was using bait I was forever catching undersize fish and they were swallowing the hooks and ending up dead or near dead as a result. As for leaving the hook in the fish's gut, what is there survival rate like? With a bit of experience and the right set up now I don't get busted off anywhere near as often as I used to. So I don't think there is a hundred fish swimming around with my plastic in there gut.

    Also, when I have more time (leaving at 5am to go fishing), I will track down footage that I have seen that shows fish regurgitating the plastic shortly after digesting it as once they realise it is not a natural substance they get rid of it. Plastics are good enough to fool them to take it, but it doesn't mean that the fish are stupid enough to think it's food once it is in their gut. I also use biodegradable plastics.

  14. #29

    Re: what is more important to you???

    "Also, in the last two years of solid plastics fishing (about 3 out of every 4 weekends) I have only had one fish swallow my plastic"

    there's my point about quantity of fishing rather than quality. No way I'm ever able to get out that often to fish.

    Given the rough estimates that get thrown around for % of fish that survive a catch and release, how many fish do you think you'd catch in a weekend?

  15. #30

    Re: what is more important to you???

    My personal take - I love fishing but I go to catch a feed.
    A perfect session would be one where I catch only the best available eating fish at the best eating size, no undersize fish or odd-bods unless they can be used for bait, ie bonito, mack tuna etc.
    Being fairly keen and tuned-in to my local fishery I know pretty much what is about and when. I am concerned with efficient husbandry of my local resources; I have no interest in taking more than I need and sportfishing/c&r doesn't interest me.
    So, I can fish a tide change at night and pick up either 1 greenback, or maybe a schoolie if I'm lucky and walk home very satisfied. 2 or 3 greenbacks or schoolies, yep I'm grinnin' and they ain't going back as long as they are legal.
    At sea, 1/2 a dozen snapper or mixed will all be eaten, maybe a mac tuna or bonny or two on a floater for bait all kept as well.
    I limit my catch of undersize fish as best I can by using no smaller than 8/0 hooks on bottom rigs, and 6/0s on the floaters. This methodology is thankfully quite effective.
    As well, I absolutely hate cleaning fish, no way am I interested in taking a bag limit! 5 schoolies around 4-6kg would be an exception, although it is very rare and generally I'll take them spearfishing, I'd prefer 5 x 5kg fish to 1 x 25kg fish but that is just my preference.
    Apart from that, yes most definitely more Fisheries Officers on duty at the appropriate times and locations!

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