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what is more important to you???
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Thread: what is more important to you???

  1. #1

    Question what is more important to you???

    hi there everyone, what i would like to know is, what is more important to everyone that is out there fishing, so what i am getting at is that we all know there a lack of fish being caught, weather its out offshore or back in the creeks and estuaries, i would like to hear how you other fishermen/women think this problem can be solved?

    personally myself i would like to see people on there own account take less, yer you have spent the money to get out there and go fishing but just because you have caught your bag limit doesn't mean you have to keep it all, over the last 2yrs my brother and myself have done all catch and realise, only every now and then we will bring home a few fish only just enough for dinner that night, i never bring fish home and freeze it, it defeats the purpose of fresh fish,

    i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?


  2. #2

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by brenno360 View Post
    hi there everyone, what i would like to know is, what is more important to everyone that is out there fishing, so what i am getting at is that we all know there a lack of fish being caught, weather its out offshore or back in the creeks and estuaries, i would like to hear how you other fishermen/women think this problem can be solved?

    personally myself i would like to see people on there own account take less, yer you have spent the money to get out there and go fishing but just because you have caught your bag limit doesn't mean you have to keep it all, over the last 2yrs my brother and myself have done all catch and realise, only every now and then we will bring home a few fish only just enough for dinner that night, i never bring fish home and freeze it, it defeats the purpose of fresh fish,

    i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?

    Hi Brenno

    In my opinion I don't necessarily think the rules need to change. If bag sizes and limits were drastically reduced it wouldn't worry me in the slightest because I am a Sportsfisherman and 100% of the fish I catch are released. On the other hand, I understand there are people out there that love to catch and eat fresh fish and I don't hold a grudge against these people as long as they are abiding by the rules.

    I agree with you though that I can't see the point in going out and catching your limit then sticking 10 fish in the freezer when you get home. By the time they are eaten those 10 fish could have bred/spawned more fish. I don't understand.

    I'm sure some people will respond quite abruptly and say that as long as they are within bag limits etc they can do as they please, which is true, but if eveyone had this attitude then fish stocks would be even worse off.

    I think nowadays it is becoming more acceptable/the done thing to only keep a feed and practice more catch and release. Some people find it strange that I go fishing, catch lots of fish, but don't keep any. I am proud of the fact that I am a catch and release fisho and hope that one day in about 40 years I will get to see my grandkids pulling in a fish and also pass on to them the same respect for fish that I have. Enjoy the sport and only take what you need.

  3. #3

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by brenno360 View Post
    i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?
    Good on ya young fella for having a worthwhile pastime.

    About the only thing I'd like to see changed is better policing of the existing laws.
    No point in changing rules, or adding new rules, if there's nobody there to enforce them.
    I intend on living far so good

  4. #4

    Re: what is more important to you???

    good to see that your all catch and realise, i also get the same question asked all the time, usually they will say why do u spend so much on goin fishing just to realise all your fish, and well i love it and wish to do my bit to try and keep fish stocks up,

    also your right bout needing to police fishers more, i think i have only ever been pulled up twice n been check by fisho's,

    so both very good points,

  5. #5
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by brenno360 View Post
    hi there everyone, what i would like to know is, what is more important to everyone that is out there fishing, so what i am getting at is that we all know there a lack of fish being caught, I disagree with that weather its out offshore or back in the creeks and estuaries, i would like to hear how you other fishermen/women think this problem what problem ?can be solved?

    personally myself i would like to see people on there own account take less, yer you have spent the money to get out there and go fishing but just because you have caught your bag limit doesn't mean you have to keep it all, over the last 2yrs my brother and myself have done all catch and realise, c& r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive. only every now and then we will bring home a few fish only just enough for dinner that night, i never bring fish home and freeze it, it defeats the purpose of fresh fish,

    i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?

    I would leave everything just as it is and not change a thing without defintive research before any decisions are made.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: what is more important to you???

    the fishing rules are a joke, i will ever only take one fish per trip as i will not touch frozen fish, i love to catch fish and then let them go so that they can be caught again, i have never been checked by any one and have never seen any one being checked and it is easier for me to count they weekends that i am not on the water than on, who does the checking and why are they not doing it, i mainly launch from deep water bend as it is close to home but from there i can still go out of moreton bay and back, the pine on an average weekend if full of boats so i would assume that the body's responsible for checking are more busy else where.

  7. #7

    Re: what is more important to you???

    There are plenty of fish out there, I know I often find a few glum faces at the ramp but that's mostly because people havent invested the same amount of effort and (money in proportion) to learn how to catch fish.
    The idea of catch and release is OK. i do that with some fish as well, but I also like bringing home a good feed, and yes I do put fish in the freezer, dont tell me they dont taste as good as I regard that as untrue.
    There are a lot of regulations, green zones, size and catch limits already.
    Leave it as it is I say.
    But I in no way believe in taking too much, flogging areas, and greed.
    But we humans are not foreign to the Environment, the fish are there for us to eat in my opinion, they are part of our food source.

  8. #8

    Re: what is more important to you???

    One idea I have been thinking about a lot in the past decade is not to have greenzones permanently locking people out, but to have rotational protection zones. Simply every 4th river or creek system, right around the country gets a total break from fishing in all forms for 12 months. The next 12 months goes to the very next system clockwise around the country and so forth, so every single system gets one break every 5 yrs.

    As far as bag limits goes, I am in no need to alter them. I seldom take more than one feed for the family unless the one fish will serve two meals.

    In saying that though, there is one exception I can think of, Sand Crabs should be limited to 5 / person / session.

  9. #9

    Re: what is more important to you???

    PinHead ""c&r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive.

    Can you clarify for me please. Are you suggesting that c & r could some time in the future be banned, therefore I will have to keep all fish I catch? Or am I completely misunderstanding your comment?

    Fish handled quickly and correctly and released with minimal fuss have a good chance of survival. Certainly a higher chance of survival than on someone's frying pan


  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: what is more important to you???


    This is what happens when "feelings" based approaches to animal welfare impinge on fishing, thus it is important for anglers to insist on a scientific approach to these things. Same for bag and size limits, a scientific approach to their development is preferred, though for recreational fishers there can be an argument for a more conservative approach to bag and size limits (precautionary is another word some use), as there are no controls on the number of people who are allowed to fish (and the number of people in the population continue to increase dramatically). Put the two together and you'll find an increasing (regulated by legislation) need for catch and release, and all the more reason to avoid application of the feelings based approach to animal welfare to fishes, as this results in an inability to manage the fishery properly because that feelings based approach is anti catch and release. BTW, feelings based approach is OK with commercial fishing because the fish are used as food. Go figure.

  11. #11

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    About the only thing I'd like to see changed is better policing of the existing laws.
    No point in changing rules, or adding new rules, if there's nobody there to enforce them.
    Yeah I agree. I've been thinking for a while, there should be a fisheries officer for every major jetty around the place (SPJ, Shornecliffe, etc.) Probably not cost effective though.

    I don't reckon there's a lack of fish in our estuaries. A lot of anglers nowadays focus on catch and release and only taking as many fish as you need for immediate consumption.

    No matter how many rules there are written, not everybody is going to stick by them. If you don't believe me, take a walk down the Sand Pumping Jetty when the tailor are on. Every fish gets chucked in a bucket, regardless of size or bag limits.

    Conservation NOT preservation!

  12. #12

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by plastix4me View Post
    PinHead ""c&r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive.

    Can you clarify for me please. Are you suggesting that c & r could some time in the future be banned, therefore I will have to keep all fish I catch? Or am I completely misunderstanding your comment?

    Fish handled quickly and correctly and released with minimal fuss have a good chance of survival. Certainly a higher chance of survival than on someone's frying pan

    C&R has already been banned in some European Countries as has catching fish for sport. Several years ago the Democrats drafted Legislation that could have seen it introduced in Australia.

    Didn't happen but I bet it's still floating around somewhere ready for one of the "green" parties to resurrect it.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by plastix4me View Post
    PinHead ""c&r is a fine attribute but I wonder how long it will last before it is banned..but also remember that not every fish you release will survive.

    Can you clarify for me please. Are you suggesting that c & r could some time in the future be banned, therefore I will have to keep all fish I catch? Or am I completely misunderstanding your comment?

    Fish handled quickly and correctly and released with minimal fuss have a good chance of survival. Certainly a higher chance of survival than on someone's frying pan

    c& r is already totally banned in Switzerland and there is pressure mounting from green groups in other countries. Fishing with barbed hooks is also a no no in some green groups class c&r as a blood sport the same as fox hunting etc.

    There is another onethat annoys me..and this is not aimed at you but in handled correctly do have a good chance..but have a look at a lot of fishing lagazines and also various forums and tell emthat the fish in the pics have avery good chance.
    There is a lot written and produced..even by ANSA about correct handling..and little is beng done correctly..especially with one species...I could show dozens of pics where the fis hhas been photographed..and then stated it has been released..the fish has bugger all chance based on the way it was handled.
    C&r is fine but please do it correctly.

  14. #14

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    c& r is already totally banned in Switzerland and there is pressure mounting from green groups in other countries. Fishing with barbed hooks is also a no no in some green groups class c&r as a blood sport the same as fox hunting etc.

    There is another onethat annoys me..and this is not aimed at you but in handled correctly do have a good chance..but have a look at a lot of fishing lagazines and also various forums and tell emthat the fish in the pics have avery good chance.
    There is a lot written and produced..even by ANSA about correct handling..and little is beng done correctly..especially with one species...I could show dozens of pics where the fis hhas been photographed..and then stated it has been released..the fish has bugger all chance based on the way it was handled.
    C&r is fine but please do it correctly.
    I'm guessing that species is either flathead or barra, regarding the lack of belly support when landing and holding them?

    Conservation NOT preservation!

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Mar 2008

    Re: what is more important to you???

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    Good on ya young fella for having a worthwhile pastime.

    About the only thing I'd like to see changed is better policing of the existing laws.
    No point in changing rules, or adding new rules, if there's nobody there to enforce them.
    finga that is so right i see a lot of people doing the wrong thing , because they no that they can get away with it

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