hi there everyone, what i would like to know is, what is more important to everyone that is out there fishing, so what i am getting at is that we all know there a lack of fish being caught, weather its out offshore or back in the creeks and estuaries, i would like to hear how you other fishermen/women think this problem can be solved?
personally myself i would like to see people on there own account take less, yer you have spent the money to get out there and go fishing but just because you have caught your bag limit doesn't mean you have to keep it all, over the last 2yrs my brother and myself have done all catch and realise, only every now and then we will bring home a few fish only just enough for dinner that night, i never bring fish home and freeze it, it defeats the purpose of fresh fish,
i love my fishing and i bet you do to, so if u had the power to change fishing rules for the better what would you change?