Went out early Monday morning after contemplating dodging storms the Sunday night before, itching in the pants to try out my new boat..
Left 3am and found it slow going in the short chop till we reached 12 mile..
Not sure what took place over the weekend but it was a ghost town with only the odd grinner and foul hooked peckers on the deck..
We decided to go wider to Wide Caloundra and quickly found ourselves under attack from those russian mutton birds, who tried attack every bait and tangled themselves in our lines... grrrr...
We ended up giving up on floating and could only bottom bash with heavy enough weights to beat the birds from diving down getting hooked ..
A local dolphin also joined us for the rest of the day which provided a few laughs as he got fed up with the birds also..
In the end we pulled 8 x tuskies (2-4kgs) and 1 x maori cod (3 kgs) and pulled the plug around 10am after having enough of dealing with the feathery russians.
The conditions seemed to improve as the day went on, was still a great day and first trip in the new girl..