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Saturday Kingies, School Jew, Sambo + Amberjack
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Thread: Saturday Kingies, School Jew, Sambo + Amberjack

  1. #1

    Saturday Kingies, School Jew, Sambo + Amberjack

    Headed down south over the border on saturday for a good result of school jew few kingies and some amberjack in around 80m of water from 0600-1430
    Bigger fish were caught on bait whilst jigging only produced rat kingies. Not 1 snap or pearlie were caught which was unusual.


  2. #2

    Re: Saturday Kingies, School Jew, Sambo + Amberjack

    Nice feed mate, shame the snaps and pearlies did'nt play the game.


  3. #3

    Re: Saturday Kingies, School Jew, Sambo + Amberjack

    Nice one Dave,

    i'd rather eat jew than snaps anyway. Kingies under the griller too!

    You've got some use out of that esky since Stanage alright.


    Check out my boat for sale in the classifieds

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  4. #4

    Re: Saturday Kingies, School Jew, Sambo + Amberjack


    Doesn't bother me the slightest not getting snaps, I too would rather jew/kingie family over snapper any day, much more versatile to cook with, more yield and an even better fight. Just surpising none were caught.
    Yes esky has been good to me since that trip but lately been finding it to be a little small not sure my 4.3m tub would accommodate anything bigger tho.

    So Kingfish goes alright under the oven grill eh ? We've only had it on bbq hotplate, pan fried in butter and in curries.


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