Me, my boys and the old man hit the Banks today, it had been a while (hard to get out during the footy season), any way it was the first time my young blokes have fished the banks so we only only left the ramp at 7am and was back home by 2pm, 5 hours of fishing 50 metres of water was enough for a 10 & 12 year old!
Great weather, good fishing, body count was 14 pearlies, 6 parrot, 1 Maori Cod and 2 Red Emperor (14kg & 4kg), the youngest bloke got the 4kg Red on his first drop of his first trip, hows that for a start!
The kids also got to see a 9 - 10 foot hammer head swim right up to the boat, plenty of stories for school tomorrow
Pedro Jnr.