I try to stay away from pro bashing because without pros the non fishers would not be able to eat fish like those of us lucky enough to have it regularly
but somethings need to be aired
Here is part of an email I got earlier this week and the mind boggles at why some greedy pricks try to wipeout a species with no thought about the past or more importantly the future.
"The Bowen area was heavily netted in the early 1970’s to the extent that the stock failed. This had serious effect on the community, both the recreational and the commercial sectors, not to mention the environment. The once annual massive schools of grey mackerel disappeared for almost forty years. Large schools finally returned to this area last year and again this year. They were met with nets. A reported 101 tonnes (or 15,000 fish at average 7 kg) were taken out recently. The commercial price of mackerel plummeted from $13.50 to $5.00 per kilo foolishly affecting all commercial mackerel fisherman both here, interstate and export. Similar scenarios are occurring at Sarina and Port Douglass right now."
They hit Yeppoon over the school holidays even netting Conical and several other local hotspots. We had a very promising start to the season with doggies, spotties and medium greys moving inand then the netting now they are very scarce in local waters
there is a push for limiting mackerel to line fishing only professionals which makes a lot of sense if you care voice your concerns to your local memeber