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Thread: port alma

  1. #1

    port alma

    has anyone been for a fish out at Port Alma lately. Just wondering if there are any crabs moving about and what the water clarity is like around connors (bottom of balaclava island. Been getting any fingermark?? Just wondering what it's like seeing as the fitzroy is still in flood.

    cheers from boony
    Fishing can be defined as "A jerk on one end of the rod, waiting for a jerk on the other".
    "Fishing was around along time before you darling"

  2. #2

    Re: port alma

    I heard that there are a few fish around connors and down the narrows one bloke nailed a couple of nice fingeries at the rock bars near ramsey crossing
    crabs should be down there I would bet
    the spots around rundles and mcKenzie are a bit fresh still
    if you are John I might have a picture of your first fingermark and maybe a barra in town?


  3. #3

    Re: port alma

    Sounds like I am talking to scotty, yeah mate you've got the right john. Yep that was my first fingermark on lure from corrooman (caught a few since then) and barra from last years bounty. Cancelled my annual leave for the bounty cause it had been canned then only just found out that carlton mid still going to do a weekend for the richfish. Bugger. Anyways just trying to scope a bit of info for my old man as he is looking to get to the coast soon for a fish. I need to help him out as I just ate my last packet of fingermark Cheers for the report.
    Fishing can be defined as "A jerk on one end of the rod, waiting for a jerk on the other".
    "Fishing was around along time before you darling"

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