I normally hang around the boating section of the forum with occasional limp forays into the bilge which can get more dangerous than swimming with the nautical equivilant of magic mushrooms.
I've kept away from doing fishing reports here, as being from Vic, I don't think many who read the forum are much interested. Its pretty much the same for me reading reports on fishing in Moreton bay, a vague interest but not that much good to me other than curiosity value.
Nevertheless I will give it a go and send in some reports which may constitute a season of fishing down here and it may also be of some value if any of you mostly northern members are unlucky enough to end up in Victoria.
Over winter I amassed a number of squid which make an excellent snapper and whiting bait. I carefully froze the squid and have been keeping it in as good condition as possible. I prefer fresh squid but it can be hard work getting them on demand and can require an extra trip just to get them for every snapper session.
I don't bother with any other bait although there was a one week period last year where for some unknown reason the snapper weren't interested in the squid and only took pilchards. There are always mysteries in fishing. For that reason I will always try to have one pilchard out from now on.
Last week I tried my usual spot in Port Phillip Bay (PPB) but with the water being below 15 degrees there was no action. We caught a few squid for fresh bait..So that equals one trip = zero fish with mitigating circumstances being that there is a late start to the season.
Yesterday I went out on Westernport Bay (WP) for the first time this season and tried a new place away from the crowds. I caught two fish at around the 2 to 3 kg mark. My mate got one that was smaller. We also got two large squid and a good king george whiting at about 390mm. The fish were caught on the frozen squid as we didn't get the fresh ones till later.
So a good start to the season but nothing to get too excited about. I won't be adding any more to this thread for a few weeks as I 'll be away doing a camping and trout chasing trip up in the mountains with the cook and the dog.
Cheers everyone