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Wish List. your thoughts. - Page 3
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Thread: Wish List. your thoughts.

  1. #31

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    i have to agree with all of phill's thoughts,

    Extra reefs would be welcome in the bay,

    I would like to see some action regarding people using dark buoys. Its bloody hard to see them at night. Those glow at night buoys should be standard for night use.

    but then again the sharefarmers would use that to there advantage to steal more crabs!!!
    We should be able to remove these clowns from using air

  2. #32

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    National rules to apply for fish and crabs, would stop a huge black market interstate due to varying sizes.

    Also (this is a gripe I have on the sunshine coast which is contentious) stop councils from closing off taps so I can flush my motor and give the boat a quick clean near the ramp all the while leaving the beach showers running full bore.

  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    Definitely merging of VRM/Coast Guard, and provision of extra funding for the volunteers/maintenance etc.

    More objective research methods used to 'count'/monitor shark populations, particularly GWS and GNS

    Com netters bought out, both estuary and beach.

    More neutral bodies implemented to interpret/collect data regarding fish numbers

    Better security at boat ramps

    Fisheries reporting hotline manned 24/7.

    Rec fishing licenses - revenue raised going back into the amenities needed for fishos.

    More research into a better way to repel sharks than the current nets/drums system.


  4. #34
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    I would like to see some transparency in boat and trailer rego's monies not going into general revenue and going to ramps and the coast guard .I would love to see some sort of fish stocking for saltwater eg trout reds and other reefies

  5. #35
    Ausfish Platinum Member Fish_gutz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    Like so many have already stated with the banning of all estuarine netting/trawling
    Also a common sense and speedy approach to creating many more artificial reefs wherever practical.


  6. #36

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post

    BTW, I was on the water in a similar area to at least 5 other Ausfish members, all of whom I am sure will not post a report. I will say their eskies required a two man lift.

    Should drink the beer /pink fizzies before you come in.

  7. #37
    Ausfish Platinum Member ffejsmada's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    100% ban estuary beam trawling and commercial netters.

    more funding to pursue commercial fish farming to replace stock, (fish for public sale) due to the banning of estuary trawling and netting.

    Make ALL navigation beacons lit at night with those solar powered lights that are used on moored vessels.

  8. #38

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    Pay overtime to the hard working people who are there to police the various regulations outside of business hours - I would love to know where our money goes now.

  9. #39
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    1. good weather
    2. calm seas
    3. a hot bite where ever i drop
    4. good friends to share it with ( some how i think 1-3 will produce 4)
    5. a coldie at the end of the session.
    6. less goverment regulation ( studing to go fishing just seems wrong)

  10. #40

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    Wash down facilities or at least working taps at all boat ramps.

    Effective enforcement of fisheries rules.

    $200 on the spot fines for anchoring within 50 m of another boat :-)

  11. #41

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    1. A fine weekend for a change.
    2. A new boat 580 Formosa.
    3. A trip up to the gulf.
    4. More boat ramps on rivers and fish cleaning facilities.

  12. #42

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    - Investment in ramps. In particular floating jetties, wash downs and sufficient parking and security.
    - Better camping and day facilities in Moreton Bay. Having some more cleared areas with rubbish bins and BBQs would be a big leap forward.
    - Better access for boats to the larger Moreton Islands. There should be an ability for short term berthing at Russell, Lamb, Macleay and Karrragara Islands.

  13. #43

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    Some common sense when building ramps and pontoons, many ramps are very shallow and some pontoons have hard plactic buffers (e.g. recently installed near the Power Boat Club Golden Beach) which scratch my tinnie when I use it.

    Also how do we teach some yobbos not to drive on the port side when in a channel.

  14. #44

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    I don't agree with the majority of people here who are calling for the banning off - or buyback off all beach seine netting.

    The beach mullet fishery has been recognised as being sustainable and indeed a valuable export resource for Australia and Queensland.

    Continue to allow beach seine netting for mullet only with a 50kg maximum by-catch limit of a combined "other species" allowed to be weighed in, sold in any 24 hour period.

    I'm also not a fan of commercial netting/trawling in bay or esturies but one thing I will point out is that without bay/river netting or trawling we would not have a bait industry here in Australia.

    So if we ban the practice where does the average mum/dad/family go and get their bait to go fishing 2 times a year?????


  15. #45

    Re: Wish List. your thoughts.

    VHF Marine Radio should be a legal requirement along with the EPIRB if you go off-shore by 2NM from ANY land mass / island. Handheld not acceptable as primary comms.

    Proof of Marine Radio operator education at the same time obtaining boat licence.

    Child radio, marine boating education in schools. (Al least those located near water, either ocean or inland waterways.

    QLD Transport ON-LINE vessel Log In and Log Off linked to your nominated VMR / Coast Guard. (Over comes 24x7 volunteer service)
    engage, educate, encourage

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