The problem is that an SWR meter will not test for resonance or radiated output only forward and reflected power.....the reflected power is merely a bi-product.
just as a bit of background.
there are two similar but slightly diffferent issues.
firstly, and this is an issue more for 27mHz, a quarter wave length is about 9 feet or 2.7 meters........all of the "white stick" aerials for general sale are arround or shorter than to achive an antenna that will work ground independently at all effectivly, they have to do some hokus pokus that does not follow basic conventional rules of aerial design.......the choice in this case is to use a section of the feed coax as a matching segment of seems to work but the SWR will always read poorly in comparison to a 1/4 wave on a groundplane.......back in the day...CBists would try to achive the magic 1.1:1 SWR and could get pretty damn close....
secondly, on both marine bands no aerial gain is permitted. this is more an issue on the VHF band.
It would be relativly easy to design a colinear aerial that resonated well, gave a good SWR reading and would fit in the expected length of a white stick.
BUT it would have gain higher than unity.
So again the manufactures have had to employ hokus pokus to achieve some sort of elivated feed antenna that does not provide any gain.
Again the choice was made to use a section of the feeder as a matching device.
Not having managed to get all that much serious information ( probaly considered an "industrial secret") about the detail, I can not say for certain what is going on.
Except to say that at VHF you could get several full wave lengths in the feeder cables fitted and you have a better chance of not doing as much damage trimmin a few inches off a VHF aerial than you would doing the same to a 27Mhz aerial.
These designs have been arround for a very long time.....GME were marketing a almost identical aerial way back in the hey day of 27Mhz CB which was late seventies to mid is possible the bloke who designed all these aerials is now dead and the reasons for his engineering chioces are lost for ever.