Iteresting times Matt .... and I couldn't agree more.
there is another side to it as well - social networking! ..... and that is something that you cant get through a magazine.
The web sites will evolve .... i have no doubt about that and like you said , they will be driven by advertising dollars. No doubt this will lead to manufacturers & distributors asking their sponsored anglers to get on line and start spruiking their products Mind you - if it did go that way as a sponsored angler .... you would be put under a microscope and become a target. Have you ever noticed that you see very few (if any) of the high profile anglers and writers participate in net forums - they all have something to protect.
In lots of ways ..... maybe not having professional writers / anglers on line is a good thing - It keeps it real
Plenty is learnt on forums like this and a lot of information is available ....... or you can ask