I own a 93 Mackay drive on trailer for my boat (470F) the trailer is in good nick but here lies my problem - My trailer measures 21 foot long, my shed is 20 foot long
I am sick of having to put my boat on a slight angle as the is killing my useable shed space, i plan on fitting one of these (http://www.fultonperformance.com/con...art=HDPB330101)
but here is my next problemmy drawbar is 2.5" x 2.5" and Fulton dont make anything smaller than the 3" x 3"
It is not plausible to replace the entire drawbar to a 3" version as my trailer as the drawbar running half the length of the trailer and everything attached to it, i am considering one of two options:
1. Having a 2.75" then a 3" box tube fitted over my existing drawbar (front half) then modifying from there (making my drawbar quite thick at the front)
2. fitting spacers only where i intend on fitting the swinging section.
What are your thoughts? im open to anyother suggestions (similar products)
Cheers guys